Joan Mortensen has the ability to be encouraging, compassionate, and supportive sometimes, but only in the form of reassurance. They lack in offering suggestions for coping techniques and communication skills. There have also been numerous occasions when I felt unsafe, judged, and misinterpreted. Whenever I tried to express my concerns, they either interrupted me or seemed to not understand why my concerns were such a difficult issue for me personally. But they always appear to be prepared for my appointment and remember things we have talked about before. 80% of the time I don't trust their advice or suggestions. They often misinterpret me or what I said, and can say blatantly insensitive things, perhaps without realizing or intending it. This therapist is sometimes unprofessional in their choice of words and their attitude towards the client. A therapists job is never to try and make everything better (or to assume that is what a client is asking of you when bringing up a sensitive issue, which is how they usually came off sounding), nor boost the client’s ego, it is to help guide and advise with the best interests in mind.
I was trusting towards this therapist at first and tied stay optimistic, but after a couple years I began to feel uncomfortable talking about how I really felt out of fear that I would be misinterpreted or judged, or that I would receive an insensitive response. They sometimes seem frustrated or inconvenienced with me when discussing certain issues. Too much of this therapist’s own negative personal opinions, thoughts, and feelings were projected into their treatment sessions with me, and there was a sense of passive-aggressiveness and an extreme lack of boundaries in this way. Because of this, they could not see my situation for what it truly was, and caused much confusion for me at first. Their treatment style at times appears to be emotionally influenced.
It has been strongly suggested to me by another licensed therapist and a social worker that I should report this therapist’s behavior to the California Board of Psychology. I saw this therapist on and off for several years with some success with dealing with anxiety. But there was little structure to our appointments, a notable absence of professionalism, lack of understanding, and I learned very little about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques despite my own personal commitment to healing. In my opinion, this is not the therapist to seek support from if you are looking to see someone who is gentle, yet effective, and who offers a safe and non-judgmental environment.