Tagged as Weight Loss

We’ve all heard about the protein-rich, low-carb diets that are making the rounds on the internet. Experts are claiming that high protein diets can give you better energy and can help you - reduce - weight. Does this hold any water? That is what we are going to find out here. There are a lot of studies that suggest that lean protein diets - are good for the body in general, and -help you lose pounds....
January 13, 2022
Fiber is not sexy. It will not become the hot conversation at your next dinner party. Almost guaranteed: Bring up fiber’s many benefits at your next coffee date and your friend will quickly change the subject. But for fast, lasting fat loss and lots more, dietary fiber reigns supreme. Too bad we’re not getting nearly enough. One study titled "-Trends in dietary fiber intake in the United States, 1999-2008-,"...
January 9, 2022
You're likely familiar with the consequences of a terrible night's sleep. You're cranky, feeling awful, and coasting on mammoth cups of coffee along with some high-sugar impact dessert masquerading as breakfast. "It's going to be one of those days," you reluctantly say late morning, assuaging your frustration with your coworker's homemade brownies. That miserable, out-of-whack feeling isn't just in...
October 11, 2021
Do you want to help your body burn calories more efficiently all day long? Yes, you can boost your routine and be even more productive starting today. Here are 5 habits that can improve your morning - and - your body, and help you burn at least an extra 310 calories every day! - 1. Eat Breakfast - Although you may have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you might not realize...
September 14, 2021
When I worked one-on-one with clients, I had one rule: Write everything down or you’re fired. Harsh though it sounds, tracking everything from food intake to body measurements ensured fat loss success, created accountability, and eliminated potential weight loss resistance barriers. Researchers validate my rule. One study-, from Kaiser Permanente's The Center for Health Research (CHR), involving nearly...
September 12, 2021
Overeating is a problem for millions of people. It's become so common in fact that few are even able to recognize it anymore. And if you do recognize it in yourself, i-t can feel like an impossible habit to break. It can be done, though, and done in a way that’s healthy and sustainable. We have some tips on how to get a handle on this unhealthy habit. Drink Plenty of Water Throughout the Day - Drinking...
July 12, 2021
As each year passes, the body’s metabolism naturally declines. That, combined with hormone fluctuations and lifestyle changes or slowing down due to things like arthritis can mean extra -pounds- really start to pile on. Or maybe you weren't really concerned with your weight because mid-life was packed with kids and a hectic life but now as you slow down a little those extra pounds really start to cause...
June 10, 2021
Some of us may find that the older we get, the harder it is to maintain a healthy weight. A few different factors can contribute to this unfortunate shift, but we don’t have to resign ourselves. If that weight is making you uncomfortable-, we've got strategies to help you ditch it. It really is possible to lose weight after 50. 1. Build Muscle to Boost Metabolism - We lose -skeletal muscle tissue-...
May 19, 2021
Some of us do everything we can think of to get ourselves down to a certain size, but our bodies seem to have ideas of their own. We’re told — some by doctors ad others by media images or even seemingly well-meaning friends or family, that we must reduce our bodies to meet some ratio of body fat that seems impossible if we want to be healthy. But that may not actually be true. And if it isn't true,...
April 28, 2021
Statistically speaking, 95% of diets fail. And most dieters gain back not only what they lost but then some. So experts are urging people to stop dieting. But then what? With adjustments to how we think about food, a little mental unlearning and relearning, it’s possible to break the diet cycle and remain at, or obtain a, healthy weight. Let's look at how to stop dieting for good. Why Diets Don’t Work...
April 5, 2021