From shakes to frozen entrees, weight loss food is a multi-billion dollar business. While some may help with dropping a few pounds, they really aren’t a sustainable option as they leash the person to needing that particular food all the time. In other words, it's not a lifestyle solution. Luckily, some readily available foods -can- assist with weight loss. Here are 6 of the best. 1. Leafy Greens -...
Bigger isn’t always better. Americans are heavier today than they were just 2 decades ago. The average American man weighs about 196 pounds (approximately 15 pounds heavier than 20 years ago) and the average woman weighs about 168 pounds (approximately 16 pounds heavier than 20 years ago). Even our children are heavier! The average 11-year-old boy is 13 pounds heavier than boys were 20 years ago and...
Despite staying active and eating right, some of us find it challenging to maintain a healthy weight. But what if we could actually lose a few pounds while in a peaceful slumber? Too good to be true? Maybe not. Check out these ways we can burn some calories while we sleep. Sleep in a Cool Environment - Sweat it out at night? Some people may think a good sweat can help flush out toxins and contribute...
Without question, one of the biggest battles everyone is fighting today is the "Battle of the Bulge" - no, not the German offensive against the Allies in December of 1944 but, rather, the fight to keep excessive fat from our bodies. This battle isn't just about "looking good" but, more importantly, about staying healthy. Being overweight is, after all, a precursor or marker for the most lethal diseases...
Can you relate to any of the following? - I follow all the rules, but I still can't lose the weight. I'm just getting old and my metabolism is slow. It's genetic. There's nothing I can do. Maybe I need to accept that I'm fat, and give up my skinny clothes. Nutrition strategies that work for others don't seem to apply to me. I lose 5 pounds, and then I gain 7! - I hear these comments frequently from...
A recent systematic review of observational studies looked at the relationship between obesity and cardiometabolic disease. Researchers concluded those who ate full-fat dairy had -NO- greater risk for heart disease or diabetes than low-fat dairy eaters. The review, published in the -European Journal of Nutrition-, examined 25 studies, 18 of which found that - those who consumed full-fat dairy weighed...
How Healthy Are Mushrooms? - Mushrooms are an essential food for health. I include them in my diet every day as they offer powerful nutritional benefits. Mushrooms offer tremendous powers to enhance our immune system function. They are a superfood; one of the most health-promoting foods on the planet. By including mushrooms among other nutrient-dense, plant-rich foods, you will make your diet extremely...
Does intermittent fasting really help weight-loss efforts? It would seem so. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, those who practiced periodic fasting lost, on average, -7 to 10 pounds in 11 weeks. However, the results were comparable with non-fasting diets that restricted daily caloric intake. In other words, intermittent fasting is no better or no worse than most diets. It’s merely another...
The global beauty industry is predicted to be worth -$863 billion by the year 2024. One way the industry makes so much money is by marketing themselves as the solution to our problems. But do these problems really exist? It seems that many of these problems are greatly exaggerated or straight-up untrue. The world of beauty products relies heavily on those of us who purchase the products they sell....
For over two centuries, people have used vinegar for its health benefits. It’s long been celebrated for its - antimicrobial properties - , with claims it can combat skin infections, fight ear and throat infections, and disinfect around the home. Now, enthusiasts are using apple cider vinegar to help with diabetes and aid in weight loss. But how safe and effective is it, really? - Apple cider vinegar...