7 Ways to Lose Weight After 50

Some of us may find that the older we get, the harder it is to maintain a healthy weight. A few different factors can contribute to this unfortunate shift, but we don’t have to resign ourselves. If that weight is making you uncomfortable, we've got strategies to help you ditch it. It really is possible to lose weight after 50. 

1. Build Muscle to Boost Metabolism

We lose skeletal muscle tissue as we age, but the rate is dependant on lifestyle, social, psychological and biological factors. Because muscle mass is a major contributor to our metabolic rate, lost muscle means a slowed metabolism. We can slow or even reverse the effects by incorporating weight training into our workout regimens. A daily weight lifting session can help stop the loss and even build more muscle than you once had.

2. Balance the Diet

We know, this one probably sounds like a no-brainer, but sometimes we need the reminder. The truth is that most of us need fewer calories as we age even though we consume the same as we always did. Incorporating more produce, whole foods and ditching the meat and dairy while cutting out as many processed foods can work wonders for health and weight. Cook at home whenever feasible (or choose the salad or steamed vegetables), stay away from processed products, and avoid late-night eating to rein in those extra calories. (But remember to make small changes not large ones to make them stick.)

3. Find a Fun Activity

Increasing activity is infinitely easier when it doesn’t feel like a chore. There are all sorts of fun ways to work up a sweat. Grab a friend and play a round of badminton or squash, challenge the kids to a race down the sidewalk, try out the new gym or pool, or crank up the music and dance around the house. Join a biking club to meet friends and get fit at the same time. Or why not add a rowing machine to your living room? Get creative and make it fun. But most of all, remember to be consistent.

4. Cut Sugary and Alcoholic Drinks

Soft drinks add empty calories to the diet and often bombard the body with sugar. Just adding one soft drink to the average daily diet will result in nearly a quarter of a pound in weight gain per year.

Alcohol can be just as bad, or worse, with many options being high in calories. Drinking can also increase hunger and cause people to make unhealthy food choices. To make matters worse, processing alcohol disrupts calorie burning in the body, making any food we eat more likely to become treated like excess. "Don't drink your calories," is common advice and pretty good advice at that.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Studies show people who regularly deprive themselves of enough sleep at night, regardless of age group, are more likely to become obese. They’re also more likely to consume more calories and make unhealthier meal choices. Some experts believe chronic sleep deficits may cause changes in the hormones that regulate hunger signals, leading to poor eating patterns that can interfere with weight goals.

Insomnia isn't any fun, obviously, and many of us could be clinging to bad habits that are only making the problem worse, but improved sleep hygiene practices may help. USually, good sleep doesn't just happen, it's created through good habits.

6. Increase Personal Peace

Stress can affect the levels of numerous hormones, including cortisol, insulin and ghrelin, all of which can affect weight. We can’t change our genes, but we can change how we handle the stress that comes our way. Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, could help some people manage their stress better, making weight loss efforts easier.

7. Rule Out Medical Causes

In some cases, age gets the rap for a person’s weight gain when medical causes are actually to blame. Hypothyroidism, a condition that causes the thyroid to function sluggishly, can cause added weight. People with diabetes may find insulin treatment has a similar effect. And other meds, likewise, can cause weight gain. If diet and exercise alone aren’t helping the pounds come off, talk to a doctor to ensure there isn’t another issue fighting against all that work.

Weight loss after 50 can feel discouraging, but there is hope. And those trying are definitely not alone. There are many success stories to help us find inspiration. Consistency and permanent changes create long-lasting results. For many of us, 50 is just the beginning, so why not make every moment of it count for all it’s worth?

Copyright 2021, Wellness.com

5/19/2021 6:10:32 PM
Wellness Editor
Written by Wellness Editor
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