Tagged as Public Health

There are a number of reasons why you shouldn't blindly trust in either the government or big corporations when it comes to whether something is safe or not.  For one thing, these people may define "safe" more liberally than you - in other words, they may be willing to inflict a higher risk on you than you would be willing to inflict on yourself if you were in their shoes. Secondly, big companies often...
May 26, 2016
As a preface to what you’re about to read, the intent of this article is not to make you paranoid. The purpose is to create awareness! - Public places can often times be much more contaminated than you think. A simple trip to the grocery store can expose a person to a staggering array of germs. These can potently translate to sicknesses and diseases. While working at a grocery store, this concept is...
May 12, 2016
Although we've made great headway in the area of eating healthy, many people still question whether it's worth the effort and, more importantly, if it really makes a difference in the long run.  For sure, some of the arguments that they give for not changing their supposedly "unhealthy" diets appear to make sense. You may even say that, in some instances, they are 100% correct. Having said that, some...
May 2, 2016
As difficult as it may be to believe, most car accidents can be easily prevented - in fact, the majority of accidents are brought about by people doing the wrong thing or failing to do something important.  This realization gains special importance when you consider the life-threatening consequences involved.  Annually, car accidents result in or are responsible for: - 1.3 million deaths - 3,287 deaths...
April 26, 2016
Some people say that knowledge is power.  This is especially true when it comes to health matters.  By knowing what health dangers are out there, for example, you can take measures to protect yourself.  In other words, you can avoid succumbing to or being inflicted with something which may adversely affect your health - sometimes in permanent ways or, worse yet, leading to fatal consequences. While...
April 19, 2016
One of the worst diagnoses you can receive is that of having cancer.  There are a number of reasons why such a diagnosis is hard to take but the most salient one is the fact that there isn't (at least officially) a cure. The main treatments (i.e., "conventional cancer treatment" or CCT) offered by the American medical establishment fall almost exclusively under the categories of radiation, surgery,...
March 16, 2016
Roughly six years ago I started writing a book on the most promising treatments for cancer.  The project was born out of a deep personal desire to give people who had been diagnosed with cancer (or had a relative or friend in such situation or who were simply afraid of getting the disease) palpable hope that was based on hard, sink-your-teeth-into science. That is not to say that I don't believe in...
January 30, 2016
It's clear that many people have either forgotten or never learned how important the oceans are to human survival.  Maybe these people think of the oceans as simply a means by which to get to other continents, wonderful places to fish or take a cruise on, or just giant marine-life aquariums too big to possibly be significantly damaged by human beings. Yes, the oceans are big - in fact, they comprise...
January 18, 2016
Cross-contamination occurs when a non gluten free product or ingredient comes in contact with a gluten free product. Here are a few examples: - Using a knife to spread gluten free butter on a piece of gluten bread. Touching the tip of a squeeze bottle onto a piece of gluten pastry. Using a knife to cut gluten bread then spreading gluten free ketchup with the same knife. How do you work in a kitchen...
November 4, 2015
In the 1800s people were often confused when it came to health-improvement information.  On the one hand, they were constantly being pestered by peripatetic salesman selling all kinds of healing oils and other types of panaceas.  In most cases, there was no science to back up what these charlatans sold to the suffering masses; sadder still, some of these magical potions (often having a detrimental...
July 16, 2015