One of the worst diagnoses you can receive is that of having cancer. There are a number of reasons why such a diagnosis is hard to take but the most salient one is the fact that there isn't (at least officially) a cure.
The main treatments (i.e., "conventional cancer treatment" or CCT) offered by the American medical establishment fall almost exclusively under the categories of radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and immunotherapy. These options, at best, supposedly buy people time but, in most cases, quality of life is negatively impacted, sometimes in painful, hard-to-tolerate ways.
It is safe to say, in fact, that those diagnosed with cancer will die from cancer, unless they die from other causes before the cancer comes back. Furthermore, fatalities from cancer may actually be much higher than the figures put out by the government. Someone, for example, who dies in a car accident (who may also be suffering from cancer) isn't counted as a cancer fatality although he/she would have been, had they not succumbed to such an unpredictable, sudden death before cancer had its way.
Is a Cancer Diagnosis, Then, a Hopeless Situation?
Being told you have cancer is very bad news but, take heart, it may not necessarily be as inescapable and hopeless as it seems to be for many people.
For the record, there are a number of things you need to consider and do before you let such news drag you down--things that may, if not alleviate, then sometimes remove such an unwelcome burden from your unsuspecting shoulders.
Start by realizing that there is some cancer misinformation out there--some of it coming from people with apparently-promising but scientifically-unconfirmed theories, treatments and cures, but much of it also coming from medical professionals who are incestuously (metaphorically speaking) dependent on or connected to the profit-driven (oftentimes, apparently deliberately overlooking what's best for patients) pharmaceutical and CCT industries.
For example, some experts claim that there are alternative cancer treatments out there that cannot only prevent cancer but cure it. This article will not delve too deeply into that aspect except to say that many of those treatment options (which mostly have to do with nutritional treatments options, as in the case of laetrile) have not been adequately tested so that they can either be approved outright or completely condemned. The majority of them have been rejected based on the personal opinions of medical/scientific experts too flagrantly connected or financially benefiting from the conventional cancer treatment industries.
Should these treatment options ever be subjected to appropriate clinical studies (using human beings, controls, and adequate time periods of 3, 5 or more years, in order to be statistically significant), we might then find out that we already have cures for cancer that have been summarily rejected simply because the CCT cartels couldn't bear the competition or didn't want to experience reductions or elimination of their otherwise huge profit margins and lucrative career opportunities.
Then again, such studies may also conclusively prove that these alternative options don't work but the point is that, until such studies are conducted, no one should discount them.
This alone should give you some hope--the fact that there may already be out there treatment options that work and may eventually be offered to the public (unless it's already being offered), regardless of any objections voiced by people more focused on keeping their jobs, protecting their industries or standing up for profits, instead of upholding what is ethically/morally correct, the rights of patients and what is in the best interest of public health.
Beyond this knowledge, you can also take comfort from the following steps, each of which offers a special type of peace of mind of its own:
1. As soon as possible get a second opinion. First of all, be aware that some people are erroneously diagnosed with cancer every year. Sometimes it's a just an error made in a lab. At other times, however, it may also be the result of some nasty, greedy medical professionals who may be using the misery/discomfort of vulnerable persons to line their pockets or make a name for themselves.
Make no mistake, there is as much fraud in the cancer industry as there is in every other industry on this planet. Sometimes money is the focus but other possibilities exist--for instance, some doctors have diagnosed non-white persons with testicular, ovarian or prostate cancer in order to justify government-sponsored sterilization.
This has also applied to persons considered mentally unfit, feeble or otherwise disabled or handicapped. Some people may be surprised to find out, in fact, that Planned Parenthood was begun with such intentions in mind--i.e., it was originally a eugenics-obsessed government-sponsored program with an agenda not unlike the programs Adolph Hitler designed and imposed in Nazi Germany.
Planned Parenthood used different kinds of ruses (including fraudulent cancer diagnoses) in order to sterilize many Americans in the early days; it's anyone's guess what they do behind closed doors these days. If any of this sounds unbelievable to anyone out there, these facts are heavily documented; and, for those of you who think that they have changed their ways, consider what caliber of people don't see a problem with selling baby parts, something they were shown to be guilty of recently.
If the hints that have thus far been given are not sinking in, let's phrase the warning more openly: "If you are a non-white person, handicapped/disabled, mentally-deficient (by government stardards), poor and receiving public assistance, be especially eager to get a second opinion about a cancer diagnosis involving your reproductive organs. Sterilization, like euthanasia, hasn't gone away; it just goes on today with more discretion and panache than in the past--but, if you disagree, that's okay. It's every American's right to be naive, history-ignorant and ridiculously-trusting!"
By the way, a second opinion should come from another doctor not aware of the first diagnosis, who doesn't know the doctor you got your first diagnosis from, and should come from tests conducted independently of the first tests. This isn't a matter of whether you trust your doctor but whether you are getting an objective, well-researched diagnosis that rests on verifiable, double (or triple)-checked facts.
You get a second opinion, don't you, if a mechanic tells you you need a new catalytic converter? Is your body less important?
2. Do as much research on your disease as possible. Find out what type of cancer you supposedly have, how people getting treatment for it are doing in general, what are the life expectancies, and whether anyone out there has ideas or theories that may help treat your type of cancer. In this regard, don't just depend on mainstream media, government agencies and universities--all of which seem to parrot the same things (not necessarily because they're accurate but because that's what they have been authorized to promulgate).
Do look at and read alternative health information sources. For example, holistic physicians may have a different perspective than those who peddle only CCT snake oil/experimental (according to some critics) medicine. These experts may provide some unique insight, theories or ideas from which you may cull some hope. Some of the best-known integrative/alternative medicine physicians include:
3. Immediately change your diet. This area is probably the one about which many doctors are most likely wrong. Some CCT-obsessed doctors will tell you that diet has little to do with cancer but there are many well-respected physicians and scientists who, with good reason, strongly disagree.
Humanity has never experienced cancer rates as high as we have today; why, just before the 1900s cancer was a relatively uncommon disease. Then, after the 1900s, these rates (that have remained stable for the last 10,000 years or so) all of a sudden skyrocketed. Why?
There are two most likely reasons (and, no, genetic deviations or changing-on-their-own DNA propensities don't adequately explain the increased cancer rates): a) greatly-altered, nutritionally-deficient, unnatural-ingredients-based, and carcinogenically-compromised diets and b) environmental degradation and exploitation.
Simply put, we are inflicting cancer on ourselves by greatly polluting our water, air and food--most of which is replete with many known or suspected carcinogens. We are also being fed food that is deficient in many of the nutrients we need in order to have a healthy immune system (which, theoretically, should be able to squash any cancer that develops--without the use of chemicals and surgery).
Finally, we are also forcing most people on this planet to depend on packaged/processed foods that are probably responsible for much of the cancer on this planet.
With this in mind, find out what a healthy diet is (something many doctors & licensed nutritionists, shockingly, haven't a clue about--which is why we need holistic doctors, naturopaths and chiropractors to provide this information missing from the American medical paradigm) and follow it. It should ideally include organically-grown fruits and vegetable, non-packaged/processed foods, and special cancer-fighting/protecting supplements, herbs, vitamins and minerals.
4. Ascertain whether the places that you live, play and work at may have had something to do with your having developed cancer. For example, if you're a radiologist, have been exposed to radon extensively, worked in the illuminated dial or nuclear arsenal industries, were exposed to asbestos as a construction worker, or live near a nuclear power plant, an industrial waste disposal facility or toxin-emitting manufacturing facility, your cancer may be work-related.
Have you had your house tested for radon gas? This is a scentless, invisible radioactive gas that can come out of the ground. By removing yourself from this environment (or any other environment that led to cancer), you can stop any additional damage to your cells; it may also make it more likely that treatment options may work better . . . if you remove these cellular stressors from your life.
5. Be very wary of conventional cancer treatment options. Unfortunately, too many people who are diagnosed with cancer are so blindly trusting in the medical and pharmaceutical industries that they don't stop to think about the risks involved when receiving radiation and chemotherapy. Although your doctor may not tell you so, both of these treatment options are highly speculative and experimental--that is, they are as likely to injure you as to damage malignant cancer cells. Beyond that, both have been proven to be carcinogenic--i.e., they can inflict cancer on their own.
In spite of these shortcomings, you will be told that these treatment options, the "star pupils" of the conventional cancer treatment lineup, are the best that we can do these days. Are they? You should be the one to make that decision--not your physician, not the pharmaceutical industry, not the government and not the medical imaging industry.
At the very least understand that these options are not "cures" but, merely, experimental tools meant to buy you some extra time on this earth, usually while also inflicting what many people opine are low-quality-of-life circumstances and burdens (i.e., losing your hair, being in constant pain/discomfort, receiving huge bills that often push people into financial chaos & bankruptcy, etc.).
Understand that you have the right (although some doctors will make you feel otherwise) to choose which treatment options are best for you. Some people decide to forego radiation and chemotherapy (the two most dangerous options in CCT)--instead opting for surgery, hormone therapy, immunotherapy and alternative cancer treatment options, including making drastic dietary changes (which some experts argue is intimately connected to cancer development and possible amelioration).
6. Seriously consider alternative cancer treatment options. Unfortunately, the American medical establishment greatly limits what doctors can offer you in terms of alternative treatment options. Oftentimes, the excuse used is that these options are too experimental, speculative and likely to do more harm than good. Some experts have assured us, however, that the best-recognized (by holistic doctors and independent researchers) alternative cancer treatment options are no more experimental or harmful than chemotherapy or radiation, both of which can potentially be lethal on their own.
Because the choices given in the US are so limited, you may have to travel to another country in order to receive therapies with promising potential. Don't let anyone that is financially conflicted (that is, they will lose money if you don't choose their medical hocus-pocus) intimidate you into not trying these options; unless they are prepared to offer you risk-free treatment options or, better yet, a cure, they have no right to put down something that is no less a gamble than what they have to offer.
Don't let anyone condemn any alternative treatment options unless they can show you the results of scientific studies (preferably using human beings, not just animals) conducted by entities not benefiting from CCT's huge profits. Scientific studies are the only way to determine if a treatment option works and what risks it imparts to those receiving it.
Because adequate scientific studies have not proven that the following alternative cancer treatment options don't work, you should consider them (especially since many people attest to their efficacy and to the fact that they are based on natural rather than chemical/lab-created ingredients and tools):
7. Determine what are the most likely causes/risk factors for your type of cancer. In conducting this investigation, don't just limit yourself to mainstream media news sources. It's no secret that mainstream media sources often (if not always) merely parrot what their financial sponsors want the public to hear. To give one flagrant example, you may have read many mainstream media articles which, supposedly, refute the theories that cell phones cause brain cancer.
Well, if you (or a friend or family member) have just been diagnosed with brain cancer, ask yourself: Have you been using your cell phone close to your head (instead of using headphones and speakers, as some people have been doing as a simple, inexpensive precaution) on a regular basis? If so, maybe you should stop listening to cell-phone manufacturers' propaganda and start listening to alternative health news sources. If thousands of people using cell phones too close to their heads go on to develop brain cancer, then this is anecdotal evidence of a cause-effect relationship.
Regardless of whether cell phones cause cancer or not (at this time, it's a 50/50 gamble on your part--and you're a mainstream media-duped fool if you think that those odds are worth ignoring), the important thing is to eliminate any suspected risk factor for the diagnosed cancer. If you've been diagnosed with lung cancer, for example, give up smoking or have your house checked for radon gas; if diagnosed with liver cancer, by all means give up alcoholic beverages.
By removing the most likely cause (even if at this time, merely suspected) of your cancer, you may improve your chances for recovery or at least reduce the chance for exacerbation.
8. Get a list of known or suspected known carcinogens--have you been exposed to any of them on a regular or extended basis? Unfortunately, many people have been given the idea that cancer is a random-action, natural event that people cannot possibly proactively escape from or prevent. There is overwhelming evidence, however, that such a perspective is simply wrong.
There are many things we are exposed to or consume every day which are carcinogenic. You may not, for example, be told that such popular things as carbonated drinks, preservatives, food colors/flavors, pesticides, etc., can give you cancer, but many of these things can. You should be familiar with suspected or known carcinogens so that you can actively work to avoid or eliminate these things from your life, if possible.
9. Start eating foods & beverages and taking supplements, herbs & vitamins thought to prevent, fight or treat cancer. Fortunately, the list of substances thought to prevent or fight cancer is rather long. The lack of these foods, beverages, supplements, vitamins, and herbs in our diet, in fact, some experts opine, is the reason we may develop cancer in the first place.
We know, for example, that our bodies need certain nutrients in order for our immune systems to work right. Furthermore, we know that, in theory, our immune systems are capable of permanently squashing any malignant neoplasms (i.e., cancerous growths). We also know that, as our foods have steadily become less nutritious, cancer rates have skyrocketed. Maybe poor nutrition is not the only reason for the increase in cancer rates but it's one of the most egregious and easily ameliorated ones.
To that end, here is a sample list of substances known or thought to help prevent, treat or cure cancer:
10. Give your body the best possible chance to beat or survive cancer (for as long as possible). This means that you may have to greatly change your life style or perhaps acquire some new healthier practices. These changes may include getting more rest (at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep), exercizing regularly, never overeating, avoiding packaged/processed, fried and fast food, and actively avoiding or giving up things that unnecessarily stress you physically, mentally and emotionally.
Look for things and options that will raise your energy level, help your body do its job, and help put the emphasis on natural rather than man-made remedies, treatments and cures.
Getting a diagnosis of cancer need not be the end. At the highest end of the spectrum of optimism are stories of people who reportedly beat cancer using natural or non-traditional treatment options. Don't just dismiss these stories with the same kind of presumptuous arrogance that mainstream media journalists do, after having used their magic crystal balls to determine that these reports were simply not true.
Instead, do your own objective, unbiased research. What if these stories turn out to be 100% true?
The important thing to remember is that there are options out there beyond those offered by conventional cancer treatment. It may even be true that cancer cures exist outside the profit-motivated, government-authorized American medical establishment--and would that really surprise you?
Is it really that farfetched to believe that , as some experts assert, the medical establishment is benefitting from CCT too well to be interested in legitimate cures, especially ones involving natural substances not patentable and, therefore, not as profitable as the mostly ineffective (but highly profitable) conventional cancer treatments?
A cure for cancer will eventually be found--or has already been found, depending on whom you choose to believe. In the mean time, there are promising things that you can do to not only manage, ameliorate, and treat cancer but to actually prevent it. Whatever you do, make sure that you stay in charge of your health at all times.
Tell yourself: "I am in control and I'm not giving up; when and if I die, I will go down fighting!"
You are in control, your life matters, and you can win battles other people may lose too quickly/easily--ostensibly because you availed yourself of options they were too afraid to explore or because you were wise enough to avoid their egregious mistakes.
Copyright, 2016. Fred Fletcher. All rights reserved.
References & Resources
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