Dr. Meneghini’s practice is specialized to adult hip and knee reconstruction, which includes total hip and knee replacement, partial knee replacement, computer navigation and minimally invasive surgical techniques. Dr. Meneghini has a special interest in clinical and biomechanical orthopedic research, has authored over 70 research papers and is on faculty for numerous teaching courses nationwide on hip and knee replacement.
ServicesHip and Knee Replacement in Young Active Patients, Computer-Guided Knee Replacement, Early Discharge and Outpatient Joint Replacement, Minimally Invasive Surgical Approaches, Cementless Total Knee Replacement, Blood Conserving Surgical Techniques, Biomechanical Analysis of Hip and Knee ReplacementsAdditional ServicesHip replacement, knee replacement, hip reconstruction, knee reconstruction
Dr. Meneghini is truly my hero ! I was sent to him because the Orthopedic Surgeons in my hometown gave up on attempting a total hip replacement in my left hip, due to excessive bone loss from cancer treatments to my pelvic area years ago. Then an infection set in after a few month after their attempt at the THR, They told me I would most likely be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. My first appointment with Dr. Menaghini was amazing. He had received and reviewed stacks of reports for the other Ortho Dr's and was clear that he would have 1 chance to get a hip replacement in. Well, 5 years later, I am preparing for my 5th THR with him . My body keeps producing an infection, (not connected with surgery or my care) and a few replacements ago I asked him about his original statement to me that he would only have 1 chance to get a new hip for me. His reply was that he is a different Dr. than he was at that time, always learning, discovering and NEVER GIVING UP ON HIS PATIENTS. He is not just a GREAT Surgeon,, but I feel like I'm being taken care of by "FAMILY" I am grateful Dr. Meneghini, , ….but he already knows that !! THANK YOU.