Debbie Bauer is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in Pleasant Hill, CA. Her office is conveniently located at 2255 Morello Drive, Suite 103, off of Taylor Boulevard. Debbie Bauer, LMFT, has been in practice since 2003 providing a safe and compassionate place for teens, women, and families to work through life's challenges. Debbie believes that everyone has the potential to meet and overcome obstacles. She is direct and empathetic, accessing her clients' personal resources and strengths to help them regain stability. Some of the more predominant concerns that Debbie sees in her practice are around relationship issues, depression, and anxiety. With Debbie, you will feel heard and understood in a trusting space, collaboratively exploring underlying issues and emotions that may be interfering with a more satisfying and productive life. You are encouraged to take that courageous step today to begin making your life more manageable. Please contact Debbie Bauer through email at - or phone at (925) 437-2203. You may also access her website. Whether your needs include a teen navigating the turbulent waters between childhood and adulthood, or women's issues with the range of personal life challenges that often come with little or no support, or a family struggling to simply live harmoniously, Debbie Bauer, LMFT will provide the necessary support and assistance to move through and beyond the difficult times. There is no reason for you to continue the struggle. Relationship challenges, depression issues, anxiety woes, can all become manageable. Phone today (925) 437-2203 or email and begin your journey to healing and contentment.
Primary Specialty
EducationMA in Counseling Psychology @ Saint Mary's College, CA PPSC School Counseling Credential @ Saint Mary's College of CA Multiple Subject Teaching Credential @ Saint Mary's College of CA BA in Psychology @ University of Hawaii
AffiliationsClinical Member-CA Association of Marriage and Family Therapists; Clinical Member-East Bay CAMFT; Professional Member of CA Association of School Counselors; Professional Member of Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology
ServicesCounseling and psychotherapy services in a safe, compassionate setting. Specialties include relationship issues, depression, and anxiety with a focus on teens, women, and families.