Services Offered

Ronald Kaplan, D.C.

Chiropractic Adjustments (spine and extremities) - utilizing both instrument adjusting (very light touch) and/or manual techniques, whichever works best for each individual patient,

Electric Stim (physiotherapy), Ultrasound, cryotherapy, Intersegmental Traction, Wobble Chair, Mechanical Massage, manual myofacial techniques

Custom made shoe Orthotics / inserts - we address all 3 arches in the foot to ensure optimum fit, support and comfort,

Some of the health challenges that have responded very well to our approach include but are not limited to: Neck, mid back or low back challenges, headaches, sinus/allergy challenges, low energy, stomach challenges like heartburn or acid reflux, asthma or breathing challenges, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, knee pain and/or restrictions, ankle or foot challenges, shoulder elbow and/or wrist challenges, and more.

Our approach is Wellness oriented. Sometimes care is needed to reach the Wellness level. The doctor will discuss your specific situation and goals at the time of your visit.

If x-rays are needed, we have a long term working relationship with Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. A script will be provided for you to get the films taken there as they provide top quality pictures for us. Most x-rays taken there are covered under most insurance policies.

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