Rev Robert Schaibley provides family counseling in Falcon, CO. Structural Family Counseling offers solutions to family issues and long term solutions for difficult problems. Robert Schaibley performed his doctoral studies at the University of Wyoming in addition to a doctoral internship at Southeast Wyoming Mental Health Center. He has since been involved in Structural Family Therapy since 1986. If you are looking for a family counselor in Falcon, CO, please call Rev Robert Schaibley today.
ServicesRev Robert Schaibley provides expertise as a family counselor in Falcon, CO. His therapy specialization focuses on families with adolescents as well as counseling from a Christian perspective. Structural Family Therapy looks to relieve family stress utilizing a variety of counseling methods to provide lasting results to tough issues many families face. For those seeking a family counselor in Falcon, CO, please contact Rev Robert Schaibley today.
Since learning that our teenage son was suffering from major depression several months ago, Reverend Schaibley has been a source of tremendous support and guidance for our entire family. His kindness and compassion, coupled with remarkable insight and knowledge, has helped move us from despair to triumph. Our son is now well on the way to recovery, largely due to the counseling efforts of Reverend Schaibley He has gently urged our son to realize his potential, while accepting responsibility for his own actions, and taught him the coping skills necessary to avoid pitfalls in the future. As Reverend Schaibley believes in treating the family as a whole, we have all benefited from the experience. I can recommend him highly, to both individuals and family groups, who appreciate traditional values and are in need of common-sense counseling.