Schlichter Jean Lcsw

Schlichter Jean Lcsw
Schlichter Jean Lcsw 168 Business Park Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Schlichter Jean Lcsw

Schlichter Jean Lcsw is a Clinical Social Worker facility at 168 Business Park Drive in Virginia Beach, VA.
Primary Specialty

Clinical Social Worker

Services Schlichter Jean Lcsw offers the services of a Clinical Social Worker in Virginia Beach, VA 23462.

Contact Schlichter Jean Lcsw to discuss any needs or concerns, or visit this location at 168 Business Park Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. For information about services offered, call Schlichter Jean Lcsw at (757) 473-3770.
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Did this provider wear an obnoxious cologne?
No, they didn't wear any cologne
Was this provider sympathetic to your situation?
Yes, they were sympathetic and caring
Was this provider late to your appointments?
No, they were on time
Does this provider offer any coupons, discounts or promotions?
Not that I have seen
by Anonymous
December 25, 2013