Marilou R Reyes, MD

Marilou R Reyes, MD

Marilou R Reyes, MD

Marilou R Reyes, MD practices as a Pediatrician in BULLHEAD CITY, AZ.
Primary Specialty


Services Marilou R Reyes, MD provides pediatric care at 1555 RAMAR RD, BULLHEAD CITY, AZ 86442 in BULLHEAD CITY, AZ.

Pediatricians provide comprehensive care for infants, children and adolescents. They are able to diagnose and treat illnesses, injuries, conditions and developmental issues.

To learn more, or to make an appointment with Marilou R Reyes, MD in BULLHEAD CITY, AZ, please call (928) 763-6363.
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I appreciated that they allowed me to accompany my child, and didn't make me wait in the waiting room. It's always made me nervous when I wasn't allowed to be with my child at other places. They always go above and beyond to help me with anything I need. They never complain about anything, and I know I can always count on them. They listened closely to everything I was telling them, and showed a lot of attention to detail. I've never had to worry about them forgetting something or not reading my information correctly, which I've encountered at other places.
by desiree
July 07, 2011