Everyone knows the feeling of that mid-afternoon blood sugar slump at work. You still have a few hours ahead of you before you're free from your cubicle and can leave the work world and yet it is taking all your energy to make sure that you're not caught snoozing at your desk. So you head across the office for your daily work sugar fix. However the options before you in the vending machine, while they may sound appealing, have little healthy or nutritional value and will probably leave your stomach grumbling again soon. The reason being that many of those vending machine snacks are packed with empty calories that do not do much to boost your nutrition levels, which is what you need at work.
Vending machines are a dangerous habit to form, and are an even more difficult habit to break while at work. During the work day, your body gets used to its sugar fix. However employees forget how important every piece of food they put into their body is. Your food is your body's form of gas, and if you put “empty gas” into your body, you wont run very well. In addition you wouldn't want to put in gas that would clog your tubes. For if your tubes are clogged it becomes very difficult for nutrients and other things necessary for survival (such as blood) to get through your system. Many vending machine snacks, while you may think are small and harmless, overtime they build up in your system and can cause serious health issues.
Not having a healthy diet, leaves many Americans susceptible to America's number one killer. This killer is heart disease and is a disease that can be prevented. Imagine, that a change in your diet will save you thousands of dollars in medical bills and months of rehabilitation time that you wouldn't be able to work. One of the secrets to preventing this disease is simply a healthy diet. However this change begins with a change in your vending machine habits.
Most people are unaware of the fact that vending machine companies are very open to the likes and dislikes of their customers, and have healthy food. Vending machine companies carry many healthy options. All that is necessary is to inform the vending machine company what the employees would like to have at work. Healthy alternatives include fruit bars, rice crackers, cereal bars, and many different forms of nuts. All of these options will sustain you for longer than that king size snickers would during the work day, and in the long run they will help you be healthier overall. It is easy to call the vending machine company and see what it is they have to offer. A few minutes of time is an investment in your healthy future, and that should be worthwhile.
Feel free to ask you boss at work about making this change. Remember that your employer wants you to be healthy, because healthy employees are more productive and efficient. In addition if employees are healthy, company health care costs are low, and this increases the bottom line of the company. Therefore the company gains and so do you! Its your life, and your healthy future begins today. Switch to healthy Vending Machines! Happy healthy snacking!