Busy Business Man's No-Workout Workout

Power breathing a great way to do a workout at work without breaking a huge sweat. Not only will this relieve stress, this will allow you to strengthen your abdomen while standing, lying on the floor, or even sitting in your office.

With only a few power breathing crunches your abdomen will feel stronger and help support your posture in addition to tightening your muscles inside and out. A few power crunches will give you the same benefit as doing many reps of regular crunches.

Since many people do not have a chance to workout outside of work, a quick workout several times a day will boost your work productivity and make you feel better. Here is how you would go about doing power breathing crunches at work:

For the lying breathing crunch: Lie on your back in your office. Have your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, arms at your sides, and wrist flexed with fingers pointing to the ceiling.

Pull your pelvic floor muscles tight like you're trying to prevent yourself from going to the bathroom. This is called a kegle. Then take a deep diaphragmatic breath, filling up your lungs about ¾ full.

Now, press your tongue behind your teeth. Then raise your head and torso up off the floor, tense your gluts, and round the spine as you press your palms toward your feet. Exhale hissing the air out, maintaining pressure in the abdominal area until all the air is out.

Completely relax once you have gotten rid of all your air. Relax until the next rep. This no-workout workout is easy to do, and will prevent you from feeling sluggish at work.

There is also a standing form that you can try if your work space will not allow for a laying down workout. For the standing workout, stand up straight. Take in the deep diaphragmatic breath so that your stomach pushes out as if you are filling it with air.

Put your tongue behind your teeth and push hands down towards the floor while hissing all the air out. Try a few of these power breathing crunches several times throughout your work day and see the difference you feel.

Not only will they tighten your abdomen, but they will allow you to release tension your body is holding, and therefore you will feel better and more focused at the office. Take 5 minutes and give them a try. Your body will thank you for it.

11/13/2009 10:00:00 PM
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