Got Well-Being?

INTRO: Working to make a living in this tough economic time is not easy. To many it is full of stress. There are inherent pressures from your boss, supervisors, managers, and even co-workers. Outside of work there are pressures of a different kind that can all create chronic stress for an individual, and this stress then creates a sense of imbalance.

The imbalance stems from these pressures, which create a stress response in the body.  One of the results of stress and pressure is an unhealthy approach towards life. Lets face it-we all need a distinctive and unique balance to keep us happy and fulfilled. The solar system is balanced, our body’s chemistry set is balanced,  and likewise we need to find our own healthy balance in life with work, family, and our own personal inventories.

The approach I might suggest is called:

“Self-care” and it is very powerful!

Self-care for all practical purposes should be addressed in a “holistic” fashion in which it would be important to make the mind-body connection, which includes:

1.The Stress Response vs. The Relaxation Response

2. Stress management (click to read Part 2 in separate article)

3. Exercise (click to read Part 3 in separate article)

4. Good nutrition (click to read Part 4 in separate article)

And last but not least is the power of belief, which can simply act as the catalyst to hold everything together.

Lets address these individually so that we can then connect them and apply them.

Part 1- The Stress response (SR) vs.

The Relaxation Response (RR)-

The Stress response (SR) was developed by our ancestors for surviving stressful situations in a process where our central nervous system would initiate the “flight or fight” syndrome. From there our bodies release hormones (i.e. adrenaline or noradrenaline) to increase our heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, metabolic rate, and blood flow to muscles so our bodies can “fight or flight”.

It helped us in the past to avoid getting run over by a Mammoth and today it helps us to avoid getting run over by a car. However, some people tend to live in a chronic pattern of (fight or flight) stress. This stress is not healthy because it causes a breakdown of the body and this stress is responsible for countless diseases. With the daily pressures that we all have in our lives, it’s easy to see how this pattern can fall upon the best of us.

Now with that said- the polar opposite of the Stress Response also exists and is also true. It is the Relaxation Response (RR), which simply involves an inducible state of quietude to offset the Stress Response. Within the scope of the Relaxation Response, one facet or one example is Meditation, which lowers blood pressure, heart rate, metabolic rate, and breathing rate.

The world is fast paced as you know, yet people still feel that they need additional excitement to shut off their minds.  But the truth is – it’s the opposite! We simply need to find short periods of quietude to rejuvenate and to rebuild our resiliency. Relaxation is the key!

What people really need is a healthy BALANCE in their lives.  And the most effective way to achieve this is to incorporate the Relaxation Response into daily activities.You can absolutely reduce stress at work by using relaxation, and it takes less time than you might think. It's what people used to do to relieve stress and relax and its what kept us healthier in the past (i.e. grandma prayed regularly).

Take note that health and well being are an end point here. Self-Care is very important since 60-90% of visits to the Doctor are stress related (and stress is poorly treated with drugs and surgery, if treated at all).

So again, self-care is where you find the opposite of stress: the Relaxation Response; good nutrition; exercise; socialization; belief and spirituality. Folks-practicing any or all of these elements are simply stress free and life changing!!!

How to elicit the Relaxation Response:

Two basic components are involved:

1.Repeating a word, sound, phrase, prayer or muscular activity

2.Passively disregarding everyday thoughts that come to mind and returning to your repetition

The actual steps are:

1.Pick a word, phrase etc. that is firmly rooted in your belief system

2.Sit quietly in comfortable position

3.Close your eyes

4.Relax your muscles, from feet to stomach to neck/head, feel the relaxation in your body

5.Breathe slowly, naturally, and say your word to yourself as your exhale

6.Assume a passive attitude. Don’t "stress" about how you are doing.  Focus on relaxation, When other thoughts come to mind just say “oh well” and get back to it

7.Continue relaxation response for 10 minutes

8.Don’t stand immediately. Allow other thoughts to return. Open your eyes, sit for a minute and then stand up

9.Practice the relaxation response 1-2x day. Best before breakfast or after dinner. You will be stress free.

Practical Techniques to elicit the Relaxation Response might include:

1.Diaphragmatic breathing


3.Repetitive exercise or prayer


5.Progressive muscle relaxation

Raising our awareness of what’s healthy and what’s not. That is part of the solution. When we are more aware, then we have more control.  When we have more control, then we can make better choices!

Have a healthy day at work today!

By Bucky Markus
Wellness Consultant
CEO -Tri Wellness LLC

6/10/2009 9:00:00 PM
Workplace Wellness
TriWellness is a provider of Workplace Health Solutions partnering with employers, brokers and consultants to help reduce health care costs through improved employee health. We do this by identifying employee health risks, addressing them with customized and interactive tools and technologies, and measuring year-over-ye...
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