Over the years and through empirical study, research, and evaluation, it has been verified that the life force of the human body can be identified, manipulated, encourage, and discouraged. This occurs manually or physically, emotionally or mentally, and spiritually or energetically. Beginning with the egg and the sperm; the combination of these two entities, both charged energetically, on contact create a third entity. Now mutually charged or energized by this combination this new entity develops its own life force as a result of this combination. It is the untouchable, unseeable aspect of life that is the force that actually creates it. This dynamic force is the essence of creation and life. When this dynamic force no longer exists within the body, life no longer exists. When illness and disease through the diminishing of this force gain access to our mental, physical and spiritual bodies the disharmony that results manifests as illness. Illness at any level is experienced as disruption and discomfort. The treatment of this disruption and discomfort and the goals of the treatment are the result of diagnosis based on the traditional diagnostic tool of the acupuncture physician. Those tools are the history of the individual. The information gathered through the pulses, through the tongue and though the symptoms currently being experienced and related by the individual. Therefore, given these parameters, illness and disease can manifest only after an energetic imbalance has existed within the human electromagnetic field or body for an extended period of time. Out of this imbalance arises the opportunity for illness and disease to manifest. Through the treatment of this disharmony and rebalancing of the electromagnetic field of the body, disease and illness can be resolved.
John is a Licensed Acupuncture Physician, a Board Certified Diplomat in Acupuncture (NCCA) and a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Board Certified Fellow in Psychotherapy. A graduate of the University of South Florida, he received his bachelors degree in Psychology in 1970 and his Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling i...
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