John is a Licensed Acupuncture Physician, a Board Certified Diplomat in Acupuncture (NCCA) and a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Board Certified Fellow in Psychotherapy. A graduate of the University of South Florida, he received his bachelors degree in Psychology in 1970 and his Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling in 1972. John first studied Oriental Medicine with Mushio Kushi at the East West Foundation Programs at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1976-77. He then continued his formal studies at the New England School of Acupuncture with Dr. Tin Yau So and graduated in 1979. In 1980 he began an apprenticeship with Dr. Peng-fee Wang in private practice in the mountains of West Virginia and continued this tutorial for two years. John has worked in the fields of Oriental Medicine, Functional Medicine, Wellness Aging, Mental Health, and substance abuse. He directed a research and demonstration project for the Administration on Aging in Florida, was the Director of Group Homes for a comprehensive Mental Health Agency in Virginia, and has done extensive work in the field of substance abuse and treatment centers for substance abuse. John has also been Nationally Board Certified in Rehabilitation Counseling, Therapeutic Massage, and Shiatsu. John has worked as Staff Trainer and Treatment Director in Mental Health. He has conducted workshops and training seminars in Florida, Virginia, California and West Virginia in Human Growth, Awareness Training, Stress Management, Relaxation Training, Wellness, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Shiatsu and Massage. He is currently in private practice in Naples, Florida and is director of the Healing Arts Center, offering oriental medicine, nutritional counseling, psychotherapy, and therapeutic massage.
Hometown: Naples, FL United States
Occupation: Acupuncture Physician
Interests: From my personal perspective and 32 years of private practice wellness, maintenance and prevention can be accomplished.
Acupuncture is a system of medicine that has its theoretical foundations in the maintenance of health and well-being. Acupuncture utilizes the energy of the body to accomplish the treatment of illness and disease and the maintenance of health and well-being. This is done through the utilization of small stainless steel. Silver or gold needles, a heat treatment called moxibustion and through massage and pressure applied to specific treatment points known as acupuncture points. These points lie along pathways, more traditionally called meridians or channels, along which the electromagnetic energy or life force of the body flows. While the human body is a field of electromagnetic energy, it does have specific major pathways across which the chi or life force of the body travels.
Acupuncture can treat conditions of the skin, digestive system, the muscular skeletal systems, the nervous system, the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the urogenital system and the reproductive system. Acupuncture is also used in the treatment of mental illness, substance abuse and addictions. Acupuncture can also treat trauma or injury. Examples of this are whiplash, complications of concussions, muscle strain and tendinitis. Acupuncture can treat chronic and acute pain, sports related injuries, gynecological concerns, headaches, high blood pressure, poor circulation, incontinence, constipation, viral outbreaks, infertility and menopausal related symptoms. The goal of acupuncture is: 1) the resolution of the disharmony that exists within the energy field of the body and 2) to recreate, through subtle suggestion, balance; Assisting the body through the stimulation of acupuncture points to redirect its life force and to accomplish the healing necessary to recreate harmony.