Following a diagnosis your education begins. It's important to learn how to become and empowered patient and your own health advocate. It's important to learn about those things that improve your health and well-being and those that sabotage your efforts. It's crucial that you be open to exploring all aspects of the illness so that you don't get any hidden surprises. I know it can be frightening, but being ambushed is no way to learn the truth about an illness.
The big question is who will be your teachers? Some find their teachers by attending support groups. You find someone in the group who has a mindset and prognosis you hope to emulate. You listen to what this person(s) have to say and you take it as the truth. You have the opportunity to learn from those whose knowledge is based on their own experience and not the outcome study from an ivory tower.
There are many others who walk the earth who can be your teacher(s). Think of spiritual directors, expressive arts enthusiasts, musicians, just to name a few; they all have lessons to share. Don't limit yourself to who can or can't be your teacher. We all learn differently and when facing an illness anyone willing to share their experience and their path to healing is a name you should know!