Following a Diagnosis--Learn from the Best!
Following a diagnosis your education begins. It's important to learn how to become and empowered patient and your own health advocate. It's important to learn about those things that improve your health and well-being and those that sabotage your efforts. It's crucial that you be open to explori...
Loneliness...The Anti-Medicine
We live in a busy world. People we meet and people we know are often too busy to spend time together. It's through connection that our souls get recharged. Research continually shows that those who have social connections are healthier and live longer, more joyful lives.Things often change when s...
Truth and Health
Do we live in such a judgmental society that patients are lying to their doctors about their behaviors outside the exam room? Many believe that patients may not lie, but withhold information about "bad" or "noncompliant" behaviors because the doctor will have a negative opinion of the patient. Th...
Are Healing and Curing at Odds with One Another?
For centuries we've heard about the debate espousing the differences between healing an curing. I don't know that there will ever be absolute agreement on this matter, but for our purposes we will assume there is a difference between the two. We'll give curing the power of eradicating disease fro...
Are you Touched?
We live in a litigious society and the idea of touching another is often confused for something other than human connection. The corporate world is consumed with sexual misconduct complaints and the notion of one employee touching another employee send everyone to their legal counsels office. The...