Shaping Up!!

Exercising had always been a foreign phrase to me. I woke up, took care of kids, did laundry, cleaned where it yelled loudest, went to work, went shopping for food, cooked it, cleaned up, cleaned some more, chased kids....isn't all this exercise? I was also blessed with enough metabolism to fake out the foodie in me....then horrors of horrors, I got older....and without telling me, my metabolism slowed down. I had developed a lifetime of enjoying gourmet delights and it totally took me by surprise that I didn't have the energy, stamina or the body to fit into two or three closets full of size 6. Bummer. Worse yet, I fell in love and love to dine with my new husband.

Soooo, long story short, I, a steadfast exercise naysayer got myself a personal trainer. It's all been going great for about a year and a half. My extra 25 lbs is a lot firmer, and I only have to grip the car door with one hand instead of two to get out of my low sporty car.

Neither my husband nor myself are going quietly into the elder years, and we're sure as shootin' not giving up food, so last week we decided that a home gym is the answer. Of course we started watching infomercials for inspiration and ideas, bought tapes and programs and just to hedge our bets, we bought the special pills that Troudeau was selling that promised that we didn't have to do anything but take these things and zipo, zapo, we'd lose 3-8 lbs overnight while we slept.

I buy from girl scouts, cub scouts, any grade school kid who comes to the way was I not buying those pillls.....just in case. Yes I know, you have to open the container to take them....what's the matter with me?

OK, you have the idea, I'm not a great candidate for developing into a world class physical specimen, but gee, I doooo want to lose those 25 lbs and continue to be able to handle running jumps from my young grandchildren.

So the upshot is, we bought a 'total gym' for the house. In addtition, we bought the special weight bench, the big ball, the step up, the mat, and some free weights. It was delivered and set up two days ago. My husband has shown it to any company brave enough to get near the house, but I have yet to start.
Gee, it's the weekend......

Help!!!! I'd like to hear from the hesitant and reticent exercisers like me who can relate. I'm blocked, I'm trapped in my own inertia. Please share what you've done and how you've overcome your psycological block to get going. What works for you?
9/27/2007 7:39:38 PM
Written by Janet
New Happy Wife, Mom of Fabulous Sons, Delighted Gram
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You can't bottle exercise, can you? I think that's your main issue that you're trying to resolve, right? Intentions are good, Janet, but they won't save your life. Here are a few ideas for more regular motivation: 1) Make a schedule. Exercise doesn't conveniently fit into anyone's schedule. There will ALWAYS be distractions. Make exercise a priority, Realize that inactivity will kill you, and make time for YOUrself every day. Keep a log. 2) You must be accountable to someone. Hire a personal trainer. Tell your husband, friends, kids and grandkids, neighbors about your goals. Work out with your hubby or a friend. Make consequences for skipping work-outs. 3) Set descriptive goals about your exercise work-outs. Saying "I'm going to lose 24 pounds" means nothing. Instead, write details like "I am going to get 20 minutes of cardio and 10 minutes of weight-lifting on Mondays and Wednesdays, and the opposite on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I will work out in the morning at 9 am. I will alternate between lower body and upper body strength-training." 4) Break down your goals into doable, realistic chunks. You won't lose 25 pounds of fat today, will you? But you can do 10 minutes of cardio in the morning and then another 10 at lunch-time. You can add one new upper body exercise to your work-out each week for a month, then add new lower body exercises. How about a goal like "I am going to hike the 5-mile Mt. Baldy trail with my grandchild." Isn't quality-time with grandkids a great motivator?! Join fitness forums for more motivation! Get inspired from other women who have made exercise part of their lifestyles. Surround yourself with folks who exercise every day! Get comfortable using your new home gym and go, gO, GO! HTH, Nina
Posted by Higher Spa & Studio
Just to let you know, We all need that spark, more often then we all want to admit. But I have learned alot this past few month's. I have never in my life, ever taken mineral's untill now. They are amazing. And I have never felt this happy, and healthy in such along time.
Posted by Julie Elder
Thanks for your comments and encouragement. I know you're right. I used to have much better habits about taking my vitamins and drinking minerals, but let it slide and I do agree with you, it all works together. Last week I started in on minerals again. I can tell already how much I've missed them. My sense of well being is much more noticable. Sooooo, we finally put the weight bench together yesterday and I actually tried it out! We blew up the ball and brought the step-up thingy to the exercise room, aka library. I haven't gotten back into a regular exercise system yet, but I can feel I'm allowing those thoughts to creep in while I'm playing spider solitare...Also, my husband and I moved a really heavy 8 x 10 wool rug last night(that used to be in the library)downstairs and then got the piano on it! We're really proud. Your comments really threw a switch for me pogaplayer, thank you. Being on the brink of 'just do it' your thoughts were just the spark I needed today, hooray, I'm heading to the 'library'! J
Posted by Janet
lol=LOL You are a hoot.. I love your personality. I can really relate with the weight increase. I was always holding at 105 to 110 pds. Taking everything I could to put weight on. Now The weight is gaining speed. I hate to exercise, because I never had to, for weight purpose's. But I can share with you, what has worked for me most recently. I started taking a health beverage, the weight started to come off, I started to feel better, My need for my medication started to decrease, and now I am starting to excerise. I think they all play hand in hand.. You have your vitamin's and minerals, etc etc your body starts to feel better, your outlook starts to change, and before you know it you are drinking kangan water, drinking all your nutrients, and you are on your way to a very happy future. Why!! Because in today's world, we are able to be more informed and become more proactive in our health. Put on some high heel shoes, put on some fun dancing music, kick up your feet and dance. dance while you clean, just dance.. That's what helped me. Then after awhile, I was buying a excerise ball, and then it just went on from there.
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