Cheddar Jalapeno Cheetos® List of Ingredients Enriched Corn Meal (Corn Meal, Ferrous Sulfate, Niacin, Thiamin
8/30/2007 2:38:54 PM
![]() Written by Aaron M
My name is Aaron and I’m a business person, artist, musician, and writer. I am into improving my quality life through the choices I make.
The values I hold above all others are fun, compassion, peace, reverence and awe for life, gratitude, truth, nature, and honesty.
I believe "wellness" is a broad term that encomp...
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To not understand the dangers of highly processed foods one must be either really ignorant or in denial which is typical of human nature since acknowledging and understanding would hold one accountable to change in their own lives (in this case, their eating habits).There is plenty of scientific evidence supporting the dangers/adverse effects that these chemical laden foods have on the human body. It's people like you who these corrupt food companies rely on to keep buying into their deceit. It's a no-brainer that if one keeps eating toxic "food-like" products (engineered in a LAB) on a regular basis, eventually these toxins will accumulate in one's system and it will manifest in a negative way. Look around—you see it everywhere. We have an epidemic of fat, sick, diseased, and dying people. Why? It's the food (and junk drinks)! And then of course you have big pharma (mainstream medicine) pushing toxic medications to try to camouflage and prevent these health issues which are in turn causing even more damage (compounding the issue). Watch Hungry For Change, Food Matters, and Forks Over Knives, Rethinking Cancer, and Doctored (there are others but this is a good start) to get a better understanding (available via Netflix to rent or stream or available for purchase via Amazon). If you're health is ailing, even in the slightest, if your not at your perfect and healthiest weight, if you get colds and/or the flu come flu season, which you're most likely assuming that is "normal" and you chalk it up to "that's the way life is", well, no, it's NOT how it should be—that's part of the conditioning that our society has been tricked into thinking (by the FDA and Big Pharma). Food for medicine mentality can and will change anyone's life for the better so you can live VIBRANTLY, energetically, never sick and NEVER needing to take toxic drugs for anything. If you don't have that mindset and you have bought into the whole food industry/big pharma lie, well, at least you won't be surprised at the outcome.
Posted by Dana
Hey amac, I'm here 4 years after you posted, but I was just eating some of my kids's Cheetos and searching the 'net to see what paranoid delusions were posted about Cheetos' ingredients when I landed on your excellent post. As a scientist for over 15 years with an interest in food science, it was very refreshing to see your **extremely rare** type of post where someone on the internet 1) has a good question that is put forth very succinctly, 2) researched the question using reputable internet sources instead of quack sites, and 3) came to a rational conclusion amidst the 1000's of crank sites and forwarded conspiratorial emails. Most people propagate the internet myths and non-science-based information until they become a manufactured "common knowledge" that float to the top of the google searches. My hope is that you've continued to spread your rationality on the 'web and have made at least a scant few of the masses give pause to the internet hype regarding popular and sensationalized "science." Cheers from La Costa!
Posted by cmorello69
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Posted by JoshLuther
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