What Are You?

I'm pasting part of a conversation some coworkers and I had yesterday. We were trying to define what "me" is (the body, the soul [if there is one], the consciousness?).

Just an extention of our previous lunch conversation. Thinking about this gave me a nose bleed, maybe you guys will fare better with it. ;-)

If you get into a Star Trek transporter, your body is taken apart atom by atom and reconstructed by another set of atoms, but in the same pattern. Are you now dead? Is that other person you?

Suppose there's a transporter malfunction. You come out the other side fine, but your patter is also sent back to the original transporter and you are reconstructed. Are either of them you? Which one? Both of them?

The problem with using the "transporter" in your example is that by definition, the "transporter" in Star Trek doesn't recreate the "set of atoms" at all. It dematerializes matter into the energy pattern (set of atoms), "beams" it to where it needs to go, and then rematerializes it into matter. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transporter_(Star_Trek))

In the case of the malfunction, you would most likely be partially dematerialized or partially rematerialized, which I would think would be similar to losing a limb of your body.

You won't see me getting into a transporter anytime soon. :)

Well, my take is that if we have a soul, then it would be intelligent enough to follow the body it's in.

If we don't have a soul, then perhaps consicousness is just a function of having all the matter and energy compiled in just the exact right way. That means that if the transporter could perfectly reconstruct everything then you'd survive. Otherwise, nature is so complex that the person would probably be reconstructed dead.

If they are reconstructed, they are still conscious, have memories of their life up to that point, and the same personality, then I think it's still "you." That is, if the stream of consciousness continues.

If for some reason they get reconstructed in some imperfect way but are still alive with a completely different personality and a permanently changed consciousness, I think it's not "you" anymore. It wouldn't be much different than your body decomposing and matter being used to become other living things.

Anyone else got thoughts on this?


8/14/2007 4:15:26 PM
Aaron M
Written by Aaron M
My name is Aaron and I’m a business person, artist, musician, and writer. I am into improving my quality life through the choices I make. The values I hold above all others are fun, compassion, peace, reverence and awe for life, gratitude, truth, nature, and honesty. I believe "wellness" is a broad term that encomp...
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Now that's a loaded question! I think it should really be a new blog topic, don't you? However, I'd rather not debate God and religion over and over, but I am interested in exploring the 8yr old child's viewpoint a little more. I'll start a new blog for that. Cool?
Posted by Roxanne
Wow! Your 8 year old said that? I think children have some kind of heightened intuition or something. LOL! Yes, I agree! Don't get into a transporter unless someone loves you! As far as what happens when you die, that's a good question now isn't it? What does everyone think? I think there is too much organization for there not to be a God and a plan. So I think when we die our soul stays in tact or returns to God. What do you all think? Jenny
Posted by
This is not a horrible topic to look at life and death from. My 8 yr old daughter asked me a few months back; what happens when you die? Not feeling qualified at the moment to answer with authority, I asked her; what do you think? Here's what she said: Well, if people you know love you and remember you, then you are in their hearts forever and you would still be alive - sort of. I felt that was a fine answer. So be it. From the mouth of babes, behold; The Meaning of Life. So, to tie this all together, don't get into a transporter unless someone loves you. For even more security, make sure you are remembered in the hearts and minds of many people.
Posted by John Valenty
Also, let me add that I don't think a transporter could create two "you's" because it would violate conservation of mass and energy. If it created you with totally different matter, then it might be like a twin brother. Would that brother have the same memories as you? Memories are thought to be chemical, so if it was done just perfectly right, then yes. But the human body is so complex that for us to create a machine that could recreate someone so completely as to have them keep their same memories would require an almost "godlike" super civilization. The calculations for such a machine would be astronomical. Or the universe might have some law that totally prevents it at all. I don't think it's possible to recreate a person and have them have the same consciousness. Even if you could, I'd consider them separate people because from that point on they will have separate experiences. Does your brain hurt? Mine does! Amac
Posted by Aaron M
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