You look in the mirror and cannot deny it – you are getting older. Sure, we are aging every day of our lives, but there comes the point in time when it starts to show. Creases on the forehead, laugh lines, wrinkles around the eyes, and stubborn belly fat.
Aging bodies are hard to hide, but aging attitudes might not be as evident. Self-sabotaging thoughts being to invade your mind. I should have done this. I wish I had done that. I can’t do it now. I missed my chance. I’m getting too old. It’s too late.
The good news is that it’s never too late to start something new or to begin again. Here are three reasons why:
50 is the new 30. Times have changed. You may recall when you were a kid, and someone in their fifties seemed ancient. To a child, everybody over thirty appears old, but these days, what fifty looks like is far different from when we were young. People in their sixties are running marathons. Septuagenarians take up new hobbies, and octogenarians are attending fitness classes.
Your life experience is invaluable. When the temptation to take a trip down “what if” lane shows up, I remind myself that my personal and professional experiences have been priceless. Had I written my first book a decade or so sooner, I wouldn’t have had as much to say. Don’t discount the value of your wisdom, knowledge, and insight that comes with age.
If someone else has done it, so can you. If even one person has gone where you would like to go, or achieved what you desire, then it’s proof that you can do the same.
Harland Sanders, of Colonel Sanders fame, was 62 years old when he sold his first franchise.
Susan Boyle went from obscurity to an international singing phenomenon, when she shocked the world with her beautiful singing voice on Britain’s Got Talent. Her first album was released when Susan was 48 years old.
In the 1960s, at the age of 49, Julia Child published her first cookbook. She went on to become a beloved American icon who pioneered the cooking show genre.
Anna Mary Robertson Moses, known as Grandma Moses, was an American folk artist who began painting seriously at the age of 78. She exhibited her work internationally into her 90s.
Laura Ingalls Wilde published her first book at the age of 65. Her book, Little House on the Prairie, became wildly popular and was the basis for the television series.
Valerie Silveira wrote her first book just shy of her 53rd birthday, after a career mainly in accounting, finance, and business operations.
Yes, that last example is yours truly. I admit that I doubted myself and wondered if it was too late to head down a new road, but I faced my fears and did it anyway. When I am tempted to take a trip down “what if” lane, I remind myself that my personal and professional experiences have been priceless, and they more than prepared me for the mission.
Mine was not a path I had dreamed about, but rather, was one born out of heartbreak and tragedy. No matter how a dream or idea is placed on your heart, take a leap of faith and believe that you still have time to see it through.
Believe in the value of your wisdom, knowledge, and insight that can only be obtained with age and experience. What is it that you are putting off doing, trying, or becoming? It’s never too late unless you wait until it’s too late. Your story matters… Live it, Courageously!