What Can a Modern Health App Do?

Can an app actually save your life? There was an amazing story recently about an infant’s life that was saved because someone nearby with CPR training was notified through an app alert system and was able to assist with the medical emergency before the paramedics arrived. This is one of many examples of how the technology in smartphones is improving our lives through prevention, well-being support, health & fitness monitoring, and even saving lives. Mobile device technology is evolving at such a rapid rate that if you can dream it, there is most likely an app for it. Let’s embrace all that technology has to offer and make it work for us. 


With motion sensors, alerting systems, monitoring and feedback programs and something called an accelerometer, the opportunities are endless for app designers to make our lives better. An acceler-what? you say, an accelerometer, most of us have one and don’t even know it, though it’s one of the coolest features in our smartphones. It is a tiny but important bit of technology right in your phone that can detect range of motion, speed and movement. 

Typically touted for its entertaining use in mobile device games and videos, ABXCORE is taking advantage of the accelerometer’s state-of-the-art technology for health benefits. They just launched a smart device through Indiegogo with an app to analyze health and fitness in real time during workouts. It doesn’t provide alerts for those trained in CPR nearby to make a rescue, as in the example above, but it does make our lives healthier through fitness monitoring, feedback and workout support. It basically enables you to have your own mobile personal fitness trainer. Here’s some more info on the ABXCORE app’s functionality:

App Features:

  • It counts reps, sets and resting times
  • Sensors enable heart rate calculation and measure strength and range of motion, BMI, body fat and blood pressure
  • The app features tutorials and exercise programs for different fitness levels and desired results (lean, tone, athletic body type)
  • The program interfaces with the calendar on your phone for progress reports and workout reminders
  • It turns your iPhone or Android into mobile personal training partner

Device Features:

- A body sculpting device engineered with resistance technology - The only smart ab device that can be used seated or lying down- Designed for safety & efficiency (USC Study) - Lightweight, portable device- take to gym, work or traveling- Adjustable mechanisms isolate muscle groups- Resistance technology controls range of motion for abdominal exercises that works for all body types, sizes and fitness levels - Ability to replace DVD workouts in front of the TV and standard gym equipment with a smart device that measures strength, range of motion, BMI and heart rate for personal fitness training on the go- The user’s smartphone attaches directly to the ABXCORE body sculpting device for targeted core workout programs featured on the app. Sensors located in the handles of the device sync via Bluetooth to the phone.- Pre-orders are available on Indiegogo at: http://igg.me/at/abxcore.

Here are a few additional health and wellness apps we like:

  • PulsePoint
  • DisasterReadiness
  • DiabetesLog
  • WellnessFX
  • TheMindfulness App
  • HealthyHabits
  • HappinessWizard
  • HealthTip Of The Day
  • PocketFirst Aid & CPR

And don’t worry, you don’t need to be a techie to take advantage of the latest apps geared towards wellness, most are intuitive and often free for download. Let us know some of your favorite health apps and user experiences.

Laurie Watkins is a communications strategist specializing in emerging technologies- she is based in Los Angeles and can be reached at laurie.watkinspr@gmail.com. For more information on ABXCORE, visit: www.abXcore.com

9/12/2014 12:00:00 AM
Laurie Watkins
Written by Laurie Watkins
Laurie Watkins specializes in launching emerging technologies that improve people's lives. She can be reached at laurie.watkinspr@gmail.com.
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