Tagged as Healthy Living

Conventional “beauty” products are filled with chemicals, fake fragrances (aka more chemicals), dyes, and harmful agents such as aluminum, which can increase your risk for cancer. Not to mention nearly every single one of these products has been tested on animals. These products have been marketed not only to make you think that you need them, but also to make you think that they’re beneficial for...
February 11, 2025
According to the -National Institutes of Health-, approximately 41.6% of the US population has a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiencies can be linked to lower energy levels, and immune system function as well as a number of diseases, including multiple sclerosis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and cancer. Are you getting enough vitamin D for optimal health? - How the Body Makes and Uses Vitamin...
December 16, 2024
Coffee culture surrounds us and dominates the rituals of people around the world, one pumpkin spice latté at a time. Whether it’s from your coffee pot at home, your favorite corner coffee shop, or straight from a French press at work, caffeine is used by many trying to remain productive throughout their day. However many people take it a bit too far and become full on caffeine junkies. These are the...
December 5, 2024
Body mass index-, or BMI, is a tool for estimating a person’s body composition. High percentages of body fat can indicate higher risks for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea and other weight-related conditions. But BMI is just one of several numbers to consider when looking at a person's health. Consider: a person is relatively thin, their BMI is normal, and yet they have high blood pressure....
November 21, 2024
Thrifty homemade “green” cleaning products will clean your home as well as commercial cleaners while you avoid toxic chemicals and save money. Harsh cleaners leave harmful residues on surfaces and pollute indoor air with toxic fumes. They are hazardous to everyone in your family, including pets. Commercial cleaners are linked to skin irritations, asthma—even cancer. By using everyday ingredients you...
November 20, 2024
While its true that death rates due to breast cancer have been steadily decreasing since 1989, it's also true that about 12% of American women will develop breast cancer during the course of their lifetime. The cause of breast cancer is still somewhat unknown, but there are well-known risk factors associated with this disease. Getting older plays a big role. Genetics that is if you have a first-degree...
November 6, 2024
Life is forever challenging for us all. We carry pains and life’s lessons all the way through. None of us are exempt from these sharper edges. We are here to grow. The signature purpose and intention behind life’s sharper edges is to provide us that very opportunity. What might seem like and enemy will likely turn out to be the only possible thing that could have caused us enough discomfort to finally...
April 12, 2024
New Year’s resolutions are a great idea... in theory. In practice, they’re not usually so great. How many of your New Year’s resolutions have been as life-changing as you’d hoped they’d be? How many did you actually follow through with? Sudden, drastic changes don’t tend to stick very well, making -most resolutions- a set-up for failure. Instead of making a yearly resolution, why not work toward real,...
January 6, 2024
Looking to incorporate more fresh, healthy foods without spending countless hours in the kitchen every day? Meal prepping could be the solution. What if everything needed for meals was ready to go either already made so you can heat and eat or ready to cook so cooking time is minimized? There’s no one right way to do it, but here are a few tricks to save some time. Meal prepping can shave precious...
October 4, 2023
For those of you who wake up in the morning feeling less than stellar, there are some simple techniques you can implement into your morning routine to give you an extra boost. These techniques are simple to do and best of all, they are free! Give the following three morning mood-boosting rituals a shot and transform your morning into a truly happy, soulful experience! - 1-) Practice Deep Breathing...
April 6, 2023