Posts by Amitt Parikh

Physical therapy that promotes healing as a supplement to holistic health of the sick person is called a part of 'integrated holistic healing'. Darfur is burning due to hordes of internal problems. In such a scenario not much can be done by people of Darfur themselves. External healing hand can help a bit in extinguishing the fire and bring situation under control of the internal system to carry forward...
3/27/2010 1:52:35 AM
Moderated amounts of crispy wafers when eaten will not be harmful but when all you eat day and night is nothing but wafers, you are sure to develop some kind of disease due to the lack of nutrients and 'life energy' otherwise derived from fresh fruits and vegetables. Earlier pre-historic human was totally in sync with nature. Eating seasonal local fruits and leafs or vegetables (which nature knows...
3/25/2010 10:48:18 PM
Every night we go to sleep and witness many dreams. We almost spend our one-third life in sleeping. Whether you are able to remember your dreams or not, everybody dreams and it's a fact. I have been conscious of my dreams since past few years and wondered their complex stories and how they would perfectly reflect my state of beliefs, desires, fears, and aspirations working as a perfect mirror of my...
11/8/2009 11:36:58 AM