A Danish study revealed last month that some birth control pills are safer than others. Which pills are the safest? Well any pill using a second generation of progesterone, such as levonorgestrel or norgestrel, or low dose estrogen. The risks associated with pills that utilize higher levels of progesterone and estrogen are deep vein thrombosis and cancer. Now although researchers are saying this risk...
9/18/2009 7:37:33 AM
It is no secret that aspirin has been toted as a drug that can lower ones risk for cardiovascular disease. If you watch television you have probably seen commercials by companies such as Bayer that actually make low dose aspirin for daily use. While aspirin is admittedly the drug one would want to have in their cabinet in the event of a cardiovascular event, it has long been questioned among holistic...
9/13/2009 8:16:48 PM
Unassisted childbirth, better known as freebirthing, is a fast growing underground trend among women in the U.S. and UK. It picked up even more followers after a documentary following the freebirth of three expecting women aired on Discovery Health in June. So what exactly is freebirthing? Well unlike home births which are attended to by a medical professional or midwife, a freebirth is attended by...
8/28/2009 6:58:25 PM
In this economy, you want to do everything you can to pinch a penny. You make grocery lists, plan out a menu, and clip coupons all in the name of saving some dinero at the grocery store. And although as a mom, wife, or self aware woman you have chosen to do everything you can to be frugal there is simply one area you should not compromise on: your health. So does this mean that you have to shell out...
8/25/2009 6:50:54 PM
Usually I don't pay very much attention to the signs and what nots in the store when I go grocery shopping. Quite often I have a shopping list and an agenda not to go down the middle isles. However for some reason I decided to read the colorful displays in the fresh produce section regarding the recommended amount of daily servings for fruits and vegetables. To my horror it read "Eat 5 A Day". And...
8/23/2009 6:55:55 PM
I found this article on the Hartford's Weight Loss Examiner website. So we have all seen the ads that say "#1 Rule to Lose Belly Fat" right? It shows a before and after picture of a girl, woman, mom, or some other female who followed some rule and lost weight in all the areas women most want to tighten up. Well one of the young ladies who are depicted as the "after" girl came forward to say she has...
8/16/2009 2:14:00 PM
So have you ever wondered why other cultures, namely the French, can eat such rich foods and not suffer with the same coronary diseases that we seem to be afflicted with here in the U.S.? Here are the top 5 reasons they get away with it and we don't. Size Matters. It has been grossly overestimated how much of an impact dietary fat has on cardiovascular disease. The truth is that fat is not bad and...
8/13/2009 7:06:00 PM
In the world of nutrition most people speak in the language of micro and macronutrients. They pay attention to how many carbohydrates and proteins they ingest and they know they should avoid sugars. For their micronutrients some will attempt to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables and others add supplements to fill the gap in their diets. And sometimes, just sometimes if you come across a well researched...
8/8/2009 5:02:24 PM
I am excited to introduce Hartford's latest effort to get well and healthy, Hartford Wellness and Weight Management (HWWM). As the Nutritional Consultant for HWWM, it is my pleasure to introduce Hartford, and anyone interested, to the latest technologies and approaches to nutritional and whole body wellness. HWWM offers wellness consultations and solutions based on your biochemical blueprint. By offering...
7/7/2009 1:35:15 PM