NMOR (NeuroMuscular Organizational Realignment) is a treatment of HOPE for many people suffering from persistent headaches, back pain, shoulder problems, a stiff neck, tennis elbow and much more. In fact, for aches and discomfort anywhere in the body, this gentle treatment can give relief. Combining structural, vibrational and emotional techniques, NMOR has become effective when other techniques have...
10/9/2013 6:16:41 PM
There is a Formula for Wellness. It is the formula specialized to create Health and Wellbeing in your life. It is not written in a book, it is not found in a bottle or a pill, it is found in your blueprint. The one you were born with. So how do you find this blueprint for Health and Wellbeing? You listen to your guidance system. The one that teaches you innately what feels good and what doesn't....
5/4/2013 5:34:58 PM
The Universe or God or Source does not decide who is worthy and who isn't. It doesn't shower gifts upon those who have deemed themselves good and give heartache to those who judge themselves bad or unworthy. The universe is consistent. It will bring you everything you feel you deserve. Not everything you think you deserve but everything you feel you deserve.The most treasured gift we can bestow...
5/4/2013 5:21:50 PM