Viewers cannot turn on the television today without a story depicting pop icon Michael Jackson and his un-timely death. It has brought to the forefront of everyone’s mind a reminder of the dangers of abusing prescription drugs. What parents may not realize is although overall teen drug use is down nationwide; prescription drug abuse is on the rise, as one of the fastest growing addictions amongst teenagers...
10/8/2009 6:45:53 AM
The process of beginning the journey to finding your life purpose and discovering what it is you truly want can be found in those still moments when your intuition speaks to you telling you exactly what you need to know. Through mindfulness or “being awake in the here and now” epiphanies appear from whispers in the universe. Transformation begins when you let go of your negative belief systems, enjoy...
8/2/2009 10:11:41 PM
Turning 50 and Loving it As I approach my 50th Birthday, there are many things to contemplate....I find myself doing lots of that lately. Something is shifting and I like it. I have stopped caring - not about myself -actually quite the opposite. I find myself caring more about my health, my relationships, my life's work, my purpose, my higher power, my dreams, and my fears. I suppose turning 50 is...
3/9/2009 4:27:17 PM
A frantic mother of a 15 year old daughter of a local suburban neighborhood tells her therapist that her daughter has quit the cheerleading squad, no longer dreams of college and becoming a lawyer, and her childhood friends have been replaced with friends she has never met. Her daughter has been isolating, reading all the latest celebrity magazines, and becoming more rebellious at home. Is this the...
1/31/2009 10:22:40 AM
As the holiday season un-folds with busy malls hustling and bustling with couples holding hands and buying special gifts for one another, there are many single people out there feeling left out from the holiday cheer. The season brings out that doom and gloom that there are no future dates on the horizon and New Years Eve will spent again alone watching time square drop the ball with your pet, although...
12/3/2008 8:07:34 AM
A woman enters my office disheveled, thin, mid forties, with hollow eyes. It is as if the sparkle in her eyes ceased to exist a very long time ago. She tells me she has been drinking and is using methamphetamines. I am not surprised to hear this because lately my practice has been filled with middle aged baby boomers seeking help for their serious addictions. Whether it is alcohol, cocaine, crack,...
11/21/2008 6:33:09 AM
Conscious Entrepreneur" Excerpt Purchase entire book at or email: I have learned the key to being a Conscious Entrepreneur is by letting go of fears and attachments; celebrating the process by living mindfully, and embracing my intuition. This is where the transformation began. This is when I was called forth to make the paradigm shift from where I was... to where I was going....
11/6/2008 7:55:33 AM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sherry Gaba, LCSW and Life Coach 818-756-3338 "Award-Winner in the non-fiction anthology category of the National Best Books 2008 Awards, sponsored by USA Book News." Radical New Book Shines Lights On Major Business Trend Sherry Gaba, LCSW, Psychotherapist and Life Coach, along with 46 other entrepreneurs from around the world announce the release of Conscious...
10/31/2008 6:54:52 AM
A middle-aged woman is feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, hopeless and depleted of all of her energy. She explains to her doctor that she has been having these feelings of self-doubt and is desperate to turn back the clock to a time in her twenties and thirties when she knew she was "beautiful," "thin," and "revered." She has tried everything from Pilates, energy healing, life coaching, herbal...
10/30/2008 6:43:05 AM