Does the idea of being Supermom excite you? It’s a title that many mothers wear with great pride. Still others grow weary of being referred to that way. When we think of the history of the title Supermom, we know that it originates with Superman. Here’s an important thing to remember, Superman wore a costume. Clark Kent was only referred to as Superman once the suit and glasses were replaced with the...
6/19/2022 4:00:00 AM
As we think about life skills that we want to teach our kids, like washing dishes, balancing a bank account, and keeping a clean home, a few things come to mind. However, how to have a respectful disagreement should be high on that list. There are two schools of thought on the topic of arguing in front of children. One group; don’t do it. The other, how do you not? There are a few things to consider...
5/26/2022 4:05:27 AM
As we think about life skills that we want to teach our kids, like washing dishes, balancing a bank account, and keeping a clean home, a few things come to mind. However, how to have a respectful disagreement should be high on that list. There are two schools of thought on the topic of arguing in front of children. One group; don’t do it. The other, how do you not? There are a few things to consider...
5/26/2022 4:04:57 AM
As we think about life skills that we want to teach our kids, like washing dishes, balancing a bank account, and keeping a clean home, a few things come to mind. However, how to have a respectful disagreement should be high on that list. There are two schools of thought on the topic of arguing in front of children. One group; don’t do it. The other, how do you not? There are a few things to consider...
5/26/2022 4:03:56 AM
Merriam-Webster describes ‘imposter syndrome’ as a condition that is characterized by persistent doubt concerning one's abilities or accomplishments accompanied by the fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of one's ongoing success. In addition, we begin to believe the lie of the syndrome instead of the proof of who we are, what we know, what we can do and what we have done. So, what is...
4/22/2022 10:24:14 PM
To-do lists are how many of us get through the days and weeks. But do we have clarity on what needs to be done when? This is true for most but none more than for mothers. We have taken multitasking and turned it into an art form. In the long run, is that skill really serving us well or has it become a fragmented way to do many things with a mediocre outcome? Here are six ways to gain clarity:1. Get...
2/16/2022 1:09:08 PM