Posts by Ed Portley,NCTMB

I believe that knee replacements are a preventable surgery. The reason people are having knee replacements, in my opinion, is because there has been damage done to the soft tissue in the knee joint from a variety of reasons. One of which is extremely tight muscles that cross the knee joint. The muscles on either side of the joint attach to the opposite side and pull the joint strongly together. The...
11/8/2009 5:14:30 PM
Most people still believe that a massage is something that you get while on vacation or to pamper yourself for a special occasion. But not anymore. More and more people are realizing the benefits of massage. 1) It can relax those tight muscles. Tight muscles generally cause pain, discomfort and headaches. Tight muscles also trap metabolic wastes, which are toxins, in our body. By getting massaged on...
9/9/2008 8:39:52 AM