View All Goals

  1. Deepen my capacity for compassion
  2. Embody abundance at all levels of being
  3. Releasing the layers and exploring who I really am!
  4. To become my fullest spiritual and human self
  5. Maintain my wellness stay healthy
  6. Achieving greater happiness
  7. Experience the Law of Attraction Daily!
  8. Lose 40 pounds
  9. Helping others
  10. Enjoy who I am
  11. Create My Own List of Life Pursuits & Keep Track of My Progress
  12. Attract More Ideal Clients
  13. Gain support from the community
  14. Lose weight
  15. Make one-on-one time with my children
  16. Acupuncture
  17. The most successful holistic health clinic in the US
  18. Concept of wellness
  19. Focus my attention better
  20. Good Health
  21. Graduate from college
  22. Stop complaining
  23. Achieve my goals
  24. Continue to be a role model and advisor for health and wellness
  25. Help people live healthier
  26. Grow my leadership skills
  27. Find my true calling
  28. Volunteer more of my time in the community
  29. Promoting Lifetime Wellness through the Creating Wellness
  30. Relax
  31. Meditate daily
  32. Help people make better wellness choices
  33. Financial Independence
  34. Treat people with love and compassion
  35. Help others achieve better health
  36. Make a difference in the World
  37. To help my clients achieve their goals.
  38. Buy a home
  39. Feed my children healthier food
  40. To bring health and wellness to the community and beyond
  41. Remember to take more deep breaths throughout the day
  42. Take more pictures
  43. Work at home
  44. Make a bigger contribution to the world
  45. Enjoy what I have
  46. Live more in the moment
  47. Earn more money
  48. Make new friends
  49. Peace of Mind
  50. Exercise more often
  51. Help people live healthier and happier lives
  52. Eat healthier
  53. Drink More Water
  54. Spiritual Growth
  55. Become my best self