Cindy met Bill through her tennis club. He was charming, good-looking, and he swept her off her feet in a whirlwind courtship. Pushing for a quick marriage, he proposed after only two months. Though she felt a few flutters of anxiety, Cindy accepted, hoping for true love. Six months later, she deeply regretted the haste. Bill turned out to be both alcoholic and verbally abusive, with the threat of...
9/21/2022 4:00:00 AM
There are about as many definitions of soul mate as you can imagine. We've been trying to define this term for literally thousands of years to no avail. I'll try to cut through the confusion by offering mine. A soul mate is a person with whom you feel a deep connection that may even defy logic. For example, a soul mate can be a close friend who lives a very different life than yours, yet you pick up...
1/16/2016 10:00:00 PM
In a recent Time Magazine article, the report from decades of research is that marriage helps both men and women live longer and healthier. But if you read the full story, you find that for women the caveat is this: the marriage must be good for her in order for her to experience the health benefits. The biggest factor? How much your relationship causes your brain to trigger the release of the stress...
2/22/2008 7:12:09 AM
Hello All, I received a question from a reader on my Ask The Singlescoach portion of my site the other day, and wanted to share it with you. This information could help you get what you need out your relationship...keep reading Dear Singlescoach: i'm 28yrs old and i've been with my 31yr old boyfriend for 3months. it took me a long time to be able to open my heart up to another man after a bad break...
1/21/2008 1:44:45 PM
Often people set goals for the new year without stopping to reflect on the past year. The problem with that approach is that lessons learned are often not carried forward, so you wind up repeating the past year's mistakes. This exercise helps you access lessons learned so that you achieve emotional completion for the past year. Carve out some time (an hour or two) and set the stage: put on your favorite...
1/2/2008 7:48:18 PM
Have you been dating someone for a significant period of time and with a high level of involvement? Do you feel the pressure to get engaged over the holidays? For many couples in this situation, the expectation of getting engaged rachets up with every DeBeers commercial you watch together. Family and friends may unwittingly add to the pressure as well. The biological clock may tick especially loudly...
12/12/2007 6:27:19 PM
When was the last time you were kissed for the first time by someone new? I don't mean a casual peck on the cheek. I mean a hot, passionate, bone-melting, knee-weakening, no-holds-barred kiss. Now ask yourself this: what happened after that? Did you hook up (as in casual sex), start a long-term relationship, or go your separate ways? The answer may have something to do with your gender. A new study...
11/27/2007 8:40:15 PM
I recently received a post in my "Ask The Singlescoach" section of my website and I wanted to share with you: Dear Singlescoach, I recently got back together with a man I dated for four months and broke up with because of a lack of emotional depth in our conversations. He contacted me later, we discussed the issue, and it was like a light bulb came on for him. After that, we took our communication...
11/8/2007 8:00:00 AM
Would you like to have a higher EIQ? If so, you can, but it is a process over time that requires your commitment to growth. If you languish in your comfort zone, you won't grow and your EIQ will not grow. If you want to develop your EIQ, do the thing that stretches you rather than the thing that feels safe and comfortable. If you have an opportunity to meet new people, jump all over it. Make yourself...
10/20/2007 7:00:00 AM
You're sitting at Starbucks. Across from you is an attractive person. You're engaged in the conversation. Now what? If you're dating smart, you're focused on more than the words being spoken, more than the person's face, hair, body, and muscle tone. If you're dating smart, you're focusing on what's not being said. You're listing carefully, paying attention to the emotional undertones. In short, you're...
10/10/2007 7:00:00 AM