During I lot of time I lived connected to the people. Not in the good sense, of being only one life beating for we all, but that in the sense of connection for dependence, attachment, necessity of approval. With the excuse of wanting to help, I remained on to the people, repassing my knowledge, assisting with my force of work, giving creative ideas only to solve problems or giving affection and support,...
4/16/2008 2:36:05 PM
This is a space for me to hep you find out more about yourself and what is going on into your life. Sometimes we just need a simple advice or someone to hear what we have to say. Here I´m going to post a lot of discoveries I´ve found, besides experiences, thoughts and ideas that I hope can transform your life, as they transformed mine. By the way, knowledge is power. Use it to be your best, always.
4/16/2008 2:29:57 PM