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I have NEVER been to a doctor who is more concerned with billing the insurance companies and gathering his co-pays than this "doctor". He truly gives professionals with similar credentials a bad name. I saw him twice; in the first appt. he spent all of 5 minutes with me, and suggested I get blood work and x-rays for my situation and to follow-up. I want to add that he is also extremely quick with a prescription pad (making one wonder about his relationship with drug reps). When I arrived for my second appt. on a Friday afternoon, he was running very late. When he entered the room, he did not know who I was or why I was there. He had not even looked at my chart much less the results from my bloodwork or x-ray. I was prepared for a knee aspiration and had left work early to do so if he recommended it still. Just after explaining why I was there, he had to take a phone call patched into the examination phone. When he got off the phone, he said "We can have an office visit OR I can do the aspiration, but I cannot do both as insurance won't allow to bill for it". He then was interrupted AGAIN and left the office this time. When he returned, he simply picked up my chart and rattled off about my blood work and x-ray, talking for all of 2 minutes tops. When I asked if he would recommend aspiration still, he said yes, but said that I would have to come back since insurance blah blah blah. I tried to explain that I had taken off from work and that I hadn't given indication that I wanted an office visit (versus the aspiration - that whole scenario still leaving me confused as well as all the other medical professionals I have recounted this story too). The last thing he said to me before leaving the examination room was: "Besides, it's five o'clock and I can't stay later now."If you need or want true medical professionalism and patient interest/care, seek out another doctor. The insurance companies should look into his billing practices too.