I have been a patient of Dr. Whitaker for eight months. For eight months I tried to be understanding and make excuses for her. She lacks sincerity. She doesn’t listen well. She made a couple mistakes writing the Scripps that could’ve actually harmed me. One of them would’ve affected my thyroid medication had I taken it. Another one of the medication would’ve affected my heart which my mother died from a heart attack cold blue and early age so I have to be careful with her since I have because of my family history. Each time I visit at the doctors office it was unpleasant. I strongly suggest anyone reading this reads ALL of her many reviews. Most people do not write reviews unless they have an extremely great or bad experience and as you will see people do not write positive reviews for Dr. Sarah Whitaker. I switched from the doctor I had previous because of an insurance change and that doctor did not accept my new insurance. I literally switched from a 5 star Doctor To a 2Star