Pros- Dr Forghani is knowledgeable as a Geneticist.
Cons- many and I will list them.
(1) The program has little to no support staff. Meaning securing appointments are nearly impossible. Obtaining reports are also a complete nightmare. (See below) Endless calls for help are ignored.
(2) Securing one's completed medical genetic reports is also nearly impossible. (My experience only) It took six months from my first visit until I received my final report. Three plus [months from the date the lab supplied the final results to Dr. Forghani. Totally inexcusable under any condition.
(3) Insurance - please be forewarned that most if not all of the tests ordered are not covered. The result $20,000 plus denied by insurance and now the patients responsibility. That is with tier A Platinum level health insurance. Never was this disclosed on the front end. PLEASE USE EXTREME CAUTION WITH THE REPORTS ORDERED, COST INVOLVED AND MULTIPLE NEED FOR DIFFERENT LABS.
(4). For no apparent reason, three different labs were used to perform the outside genetic testing. None are done in house. That would be the standard protocol at Mayo, Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, Sloane Kettering and Duke. All third-party genetic labs are FOR PROFIT and as such again you will be billed and be responsible for their cost. Unlike the contract and agreed price a hospital would accept based upon the agreement each has with the individual insurance company engaged.
(5) Patient follow up- Little to none- You are left thinking what did I just do and what did I just get for $20,000 plus??
(6) Overall experience- I would highly discourage any patient from engaging with the genetic practice at UM. I found it highly upsetting and disappointing. They have had a high turnover in staff, and it's reflected in the total chaos a patient will experience. You can obtain and achieve the services of highly skilled geneticist at other world class medical institutions. My overall patient grade an "F"