i know covid is in full swing. we visited Delnor for a blood test. it was nice that they wipe the chairs after each patient at the register area. it was a busy day and the waiting room for the blood test was full. after they took my wife i stepped out and waited by the hall way. and walk back and forth from the cafe and back. a lady approached the other gentelman and i and was told we cannot wait on the hall way and should wait infront of the hospital. i informed her that my wife will not know where i am and she insist that i stay away from the hall way. on our way out i stop by the register to grab a piece of sanitizing wipe. the guy that was there just grab the container and gave me a dirty look and asked me where i will use it.i said to wipe my wife's pants, I told them the chairs here at the register are wiped but the one in the waiting room are not.so what is the sense of sanitizing one area and not the other.