He has kids in SD and KS so he works clinics here and up there. Great doctor with super skills. He is training our son to be a doctor in his field with five other med school students. Love his dedication.
The Dr. Tung workshop gave me so many clinical skills. The practice clinic was the best part of his 3 day seminar. I was able to treat over 50 different patients and see the results. He is a great doctor with blissful skills. Greatly appreciated!
Terence McCormick owns a home in Overland Park, KS and is a member of our countryt club. We love him and appreciate his acupuncture and Asian medidicine care. Good friend to us here.
The Oregon Medical Board can go to (you know) Look at Portland and Oregon polotics. Sad. He continues to activre practice with th the 1st and 14th ammendment defining his business.
We went to him last week for Lyme's supportive care. It has made a huge improvement in my wife's symptoms. We look forward to our next session with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Skilled naturopathic doctor!
The holistic naturopath approach to my individualized care made a huge positive impact with my MS. He continues to help with my ongoing care. He with my husband and family are great care support.
Dr. McCormick's Dermatome Needling is very effective. It helped my wife's shingles and the sciatica I've had for years. He is an effective doctor and glad he dis his work without drugs.