She is very knowledgeable on the subject of nutrition and provided some helpful info. However, before I saw her I had emailed her a detailed food list of what I liked to eat and requested her to put together a sample healthy monthly breakfast, lunch and dinner menus (with portion sizes) for each day. From this I could work with easily for eating. Instead she gave me basic food breakdowns of %carbs, fats , calories etc... for serving sizes plus number of servings per meal, total carbs and calories per day. This is helpful but this translates into a lot of work and time (& stress!) I don’t have/need to put together an eating plan. This is what I paid her to do for me. I do understand this is supposed to be a learning process for me but I basically know most of this stuff . I just needed someone to put it together for me. Am I going back to see her again??? Don’t really know- but doubt it.