Yesterday I had an appointment with Dr. Siegel. I was in a bad car accident and came in seeking help with my pain. Being that the treatments he's been performing and recommending haven't provided any positive results or relief, I tried to talk very calmly to him about possibly modifying my treatments based on what my needs were so that we might find a way to actually make me feel better. I was shocked that his immediate response wasn't concern or care, it was hostile defensiveness, a total unwillingness to hear me out, and ultimately very personally insulting. Knowing that without being able to communicate with my doctor it couldn't possibly work out there, I tried to part ways diplomatically. I was never loud or rude for a moment, I don't operate that way. As I was leaving he reappeared and he actually said, and I'm quoting, "No doctor ever CAN or WILL EVER help you." I was dumbfounded, told him I didn't believe that because I had had profound results from a doctor of Chinese and he tried to fear monger me that my body was so broken it was medically impossible that I had been helped by anyone. A person could be set on a trajectory of anxiety and illness for life hearing a statement like that from a doctor. It's actually illegal. He took an oath to do no harm, and with the intent to hurt me psychologically and emotionally, he abused his power as a doctor. If weren't such a strong person that understands how people like this tear others down, I would've left hopeless and destroyed, like he wanted. Fortunately, I know an ego problem when I see one, but I am horrified he could say this to another patient for simply wanting to talk about different treatment options, when the treatments he recommending weren't not only ineffective, they gave me new problems! Also worthwhile to note is that he was billing my personal injury insurance exorbitantly while I was not only not getting better, but developing new, symptoms. He assured me the new pain now shooting down my arm was what "healing" feels like, poopooing it even after it didn't get better w more treatment. I never thought I'd get instant results, I'm a reasonable respectful person. I was shocked, disappointed, and quite frankly horrified and the reaction that came from me wanting to discuss treatment options with my physician that is actively receiving thousands of dollars for ineffective and possibly harmful treatments. I want people to be aware that he may be nice while you"re agreeing with him, but it didn't take much to watch him flip into an abusive condescending animal.
by heed the warning
April 03, 2019