Proficient Chiropractic was a very beneficial experience for me both in the acute phase of my spinal distress and in the wellness phase once my initial problem had been resolved. The initial phase included a verbal history of my symptoms, x-rays and a physical assessment which included an adjustment. My introduction to the chiropractic process also included a packet with scheduled appointments for adjustments, dates for follow-up with a professional provider and educational literature defining Chiropractic science and some of the major terms used in the Practice. Through out my experience there was always some form of continuing education on site. (media slide presentations, bulletin board trivia questions and public health announcements )In addition to exercise being a part of the treatment plan, wellness workshops covering different topics were also offered to clients for no additional charge, all of which I found beneficial and rewarding towards my health and well being. Finally I would like to recognize the knowledge, professionalism and warmth of the staff of Proficient Chiropractic. Thank you so much!