I got injured at work, had surgery and my insurance provider assigned me to this office for therapy. I did everything to recover from my injury but it took longer than I wanted and expected. The therapists pushed me over my limit adding discomfort and pain to my injury which slowed my recovery time. Maybe the insurance co. had a low pay rate assigned to my case or they were over scheduled with another patients I thought but personally, being the son of a retired pro-athlete and kynesiologyst, the staff managed my case very poorly, not what you will expect from a place with so many years on service. They were no joking, in one session, one of the staff members came to the room and yieled (quote) " well I guess I will videotape this session and post it on youtube " ... "what a jackass that young lady is" my fellow patient said to me ... no, not a joke ... we guessed they assumed I was there happy visiting them and injured, faking pain and defrauding the insurance co. I decided to change therapist and continued with the program. It took my body two years to heal the injury but I can't say this Therapy Businees helped me to achieve that. In the contrary, they caused pain, negative and static stress and ultimately slowed it down.