I went to see Kristen when I was pregnant because I started to get something like a rash. She told me it was Herpes! Me, a married, pregnant woman, with newfound Herpes. She prescribed me medication to treat it. She also gave me a topical cream. For almost two weeks I did the regiment to treat Herpes, not to mention going on in life thinking I had herpes. Good thing I have a good marriage and there are no trust issues. I went back to see her for a followup and she said since it went away it was more than likely herpes. (Oh and she talks loudly. It's just how she talks, which is fine, but when you are saying someone has herpes, it is awkward knowing that everyone in the hallways, patients and nursing staff, probably heard. I told her "uhhh I'm married" and she just looked at me and said that she has to have this award conversation with people at least once a week. I kept waiting to find out for sure. So I asked her to do a blood test. Im really not sure why she didn't do that on her own. Why would she not do a test before giving a diagnosis of ANY kind, let alone an STD to a married, pregnant woman! She called me with the test results and it was Shingles! NOT an STD and I got it because I had chicken pox before and I had a weakened immune system due to being pregnant. She never said sorry and she just told me matter of fact like it's just shingles no big deal. I'm like...uhh HELLO!!! you just told me it was Herpes... No acknowledgement whatsoever. So that means she could be misdiagnosing multiple people with herpes!!! If you go to see her please ALWAYS do a test! and maybe get a second opinion. On a positive note, she did diagnosis eczema and it went away. Everything on my skin went away so that was good. Just a terrible, TERRIBLE misdiagnosis!