I feel like this doctor is a complete joke. I have been to his office twice for the same issue and still nothing is resolved. The first time I went, I described my issue and pain in great detail but he was very dismissive, all he said was that I have plantar fasciitis and he gave me an injection. Now you would think that before coming up with a proper diagnosis you would run some test to support your theory, for example he could have done an x-ray or and ultrasound but no he didn't. The second time I went I explained to him that I'm still feeling pain but like last time he kept dismissing everything I was saying, I suggested that he do an xray and his response was "I'll do the xray for your satisfaction not for mine" what kind of doctor says that to a patient. So after he does the xray he says that I have a heel spur but it still doesn't change the diagnosis and he gave me another injection. I finally decided to see a different doctor in yonkers and lets just say that my new doctor is 100% professional. My new doctor did and ultrasound and turns out the plantar fascia is not producing enough cartilage and is being wore out so he measures me for Orthotics to help correct the issue.