Anthony Bianchi, D.C.

Anthony  Bianchi, D.C.
ANTHONY J. BIANCHI DC, P.C. 4415 Union Road Cheektowaga, NY 14225
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(13 Reviews)
4 star average for Service
4 star average for Environment
3 star average for Expertise
4.5 star average for Staff
4 star average for Recommended

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Dr. Bianchi's treatments did not work for me, and trying to get in to see him after the initial consultation was extremely difficult. When i did finally see him, he gave me a mere 3 minutes of his time. I was told by the other doctor that there was nothing more that could be done for me, so just like that (after 11 weeks of treatments), I was sent on my way---no advice, no direction. He sells a good product, but his follow through with patients is lacking. I went into debt paying out of pocket for his treatments----do NOT waste your money on his sales pitch!
by Lisa R.
June 29, 2017

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Dr. Bianchi deceived me and another member in the lecture he held saying that he would help us who suffer from neuropathy, w/out question. i went thru all of the available treatments, even the newer laser machine brought in. Nothing made a difference after a few months of treatment. Still I have the same trouble, even worse than before treatments by him and his staff. Neuropathy is a progressive disease and mine has done that. Never improved one bit and I was told that's all they could do after paying over $3,000. up front which I was told to do, to avoid interest charges. I don't have that kind of money, but was given a response that I would have positive results. He not only lied to me, took all of my money w/ not one helpful change to my condition. I was devastated and know he was a liar and crook in the worst way. To someone like me with high hopes of improvement, but in reality he knew not everyone seeking help will get it thru him. He should have in the least been honest w/ me, but that would risk me not going thru this treatment, of course. I give him the lowest rating of anybody who makes these kind of claims of positive results for anyone who he provides his services.
by lana ricupito
January 15, 2016
Dr Bianchi made me feel great wanting to help take care of my pain from day 1 without pain pills! I'm thankful for the treatments they provide.
by William
August 25, 2015

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Did this provider have an entertaining selection of waiting room magazines?
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
by Anonymous
August 05, 2013

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Is this provider willing to pursue advice from other providers when necessary?
Not at all. They were too arrogant to ask for any assistance, even though they knew it would help
Does this chiropractor offer lifestyle and nutritional advice to further your recovery?
Definitely not! I was ignored when I asked for advice!
Was this provider argumentative or easily angered?
Very, they contradicted everything I said and became very angry
Did you experience any numbness after your appointment with this chiropractor?
Yes! I was numb all over for days!
Did you feel safe in this provider's care?
Absolutely Not!
by Anonymous
June 18, 2013

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Did your treatments with this chiropractor eliminate your need for pain medication?
Yes, I no longer need pain medication and I feel better than I've ever felt
Would you refer this provider to a family or friend?
Were the chiropractor's hands uncomfortably cold during your treatment?
No, they were fine
Was this provider late to your appointments?
No, they were on time
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
by Anonymous
June 05, 2013
by Anonymous
November 13, 2012

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Were the staff members able to answer your questions?
Yes! They were the most knowledgeable staff I've ever seen!
Does this chiropractor offer lifestyle and nutritional advice to further your recovery?
Absolutely! I was given many practical and helpful tips that sped up my recovery!
Did this provider seem up-to-date with the current advancements in their field?
Yes, they were informing me of new advancements that were extremely recent
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Absolutely, they always make me feel like I'm their only patient.
Has this provider ever cancelled your appointment on you last minute?
Never, they are very reliable.
by Joe
November 12, 2012

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Did you feel like your pain was lessened after your chiropractic treatment?
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Fairly Easy
by Linda
May 04, 2012

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Did you feel like your pain was lessened after your chiropractic treatment?
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Fairly Easy
by Anonymous
February 16, 2012
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