I'm trying to reach My Organic Day Spa in Swansea,Il regarding my facial package. Phone has been disconnected. They owe me 4 facials plus one free one. Antbody?.
One thing I noticed about their office was how absolutely fantastic it smelled. They must clean or sanitize all the time. They really paid a lot of attention to my problem area, which is the reason I went. When I told them where I was in pain they put much of their focus on eliminating discomfort in that area. I was glad that they were located in a safe neighborhood. I've been to some other places where I was scared to get out of my car but not here. They do such a great job of never overbooking appointments, even though they are extremely popular. I know for a fact that they have lots of business, but I've never had to wait a long time in a crowded waiting room like other places I've been too. I didn't feel any numbness after my visit. They always take good care of me.