Jessica Wilson legitimately cares for the well being of her patients. She listens to my current life situations, needs and concerns as she makes her assessment of my current needs and possible adjustments. I think highly of Jessica for being a caring and knowledgeable psychiatrist who makes he evaluations and suggestions in the best interest of her patients. I also really appreciate Krystal and Ashley for being attentive to patient needs as well. When I call they are always willing and happy to me with my needs; whether it be a change in scheduling, medication refills, transfers, as well as listen and assist with questions and concerns I may have. Thank you, Jessica Wilson and staff!!!
Never went to a counselor. But after a car accident i found myself not wanting to leave the house, do anything or see anyone. My friends told me i needed to seek help, so i did. So happy i saw her office while driving by one day. Stopped in, best thing that i' have done in a long time. She hears what i have to say, then we talk about what she thinks i need, followed her directions and now i get out and about, can sleep at night and now see my friends again. I'm even getting things done now days.
For 5 years, Dr. after Dr., counselor after psychiatrist, I just had one minute visits and medications thrown at me; some of which dependencies were developed, changing my personality and causing suicidal thoughts. Every time I tried to break away from these medications, serious withdrawals occurred. After 5 years Jessica Wilson got me off of these in ONE MONTH! I have my life back, my smile back and have never felt better thanks to her being extremely understanding and listening to how I feel. For Thanksgiving this year and years to come she will definitely be included as one I am thankful for. Give Jessica Wilson a chance as she may be your lifesaver.
Jessica and team are very patient and professional when it comes to making sure you get the meds you need in a timely manner. Jessica is always a great listener and legitimately wants to help in finding an answer/cure to life's issues at hand
When I first visited Jessica, I was dependent on pain killers, suffering from severe anxiety, and in the deepest depression I had ever experienced in my life. After my initial visit, I was hopeful that I would be able to manage the pain, depression and anxiety. I was on numerous medications that I absolutely hated taking. It's been about a year since I started seeing Jessica. I think that the thing that really helped me was a statement she made to me after I had spoken to her of my faith in God. She didn't dismiss my statement as nonessential; in fact she stated that faith plays a big roll in mental health. I've seen many, many psychiatrists, counselors, psychologists, and social workers in my struggles with mental illness and 99.9% of the time expressing my faith or my belief in God was either dismissed as if I hadn't said anything at all or rolled into disgnosises such a Delusions of Grandeur or Narcisstic Personality.
I am pleased to report that I have gone from taking 5 medications a day to 2. I am no longer in need of opiates as Jessica taught me about how they not only increase pain frequency but also deepen ones depression. I was able to wean of of them completely and experience far, far less pain than I did while taking them. Iborophine seems to do the trick now. I took benzodiazipines to control my anxiety, however, a month or two after stopping the opiates, I found myself needing to take fewer and fewer binzos. Jessica never once judged me for the situation I had gotten myself into. What she did was educate me and encourage me.
I not only respect her for her involvement in getting my life back on track but also for her service to our country. I've come to understand that veterans are some of the most giving and understanding people on this planet. They can be gentle and tough....but they put 100% into everything they do. I will forever be in debt to Jessica for all she has done for me. I denied it when she asked me if I was feeling suicidal on our first visit...but I was. She changed my mind by offering hope. I must also acknowledge her staff, they operate like a well oiled machine.
In response to the person writing numerous reviews regarding drug tests, it is considered prudent and responsible practice. Further, I did not make money on the drug testing, the lab I was using collected the samples and billed for their services. This is simply not true that I am money hungry. Ask all the patients who I have allowed to build quite a bill without making payments until they had money. Compare my fees to other psych providers. Yes, I care very much. Some if this is just plain slanderous. I wish the best to those who were unhappy with drug testing and best if luck finding any psychiatric provider who does not...and most use the same company that I was using. This person complaining was on controlled medications and that alone calls for regular testing. Testing I was not paid for. We have a new method for testing that is less costly, however, drug tests are still required for all patients.
I refer all my patients to Jessica and so do many local physicians. When I see reviews from people complaining about being billed for expensive drug tests, then I have to wonder if that patient failed the test. Furthermore, Jessica has to protect her license and has no choice but order those tests. She used to have an outside company performing and billing for the tests, so this shouldn't be a reflection on her!
Horrible horrible. Beware! This woman has horrible wait times. I averaged 1.5 hours per visit! Be very cautious about hidden costs and unnecessary testing. I got a bill for over $500 for urine testing for one month of medication. Horrible nurse practicioner. I did not feel cared for and they certainly dont care about my life. Will never set foot in there again!