We bought our dog Skipper in August of 1959. He was exclusively cared for lovingly by your doctors and staff. Particular Kudos go to Dr. Guibor (forgive my spelling) who brought him from death's door several times.He was a big miniature Schnauzer. He gave us more than 12 years of love and affection and I believe you were responsible for so much of it. I cannot thank you enough. Please send my love and regards to Dr. Guibor if she is still with us.
I dropped Skipper off for boarding when I was 17 years old. We had been together since I was 5 years old. I was off to College. Although he was not in the best of shape, I was sure I would see him again at Thanksgiving break. During the short drive to Riser, his behavior became sadly and pleadingly touching. He crawled all over me in ways he had never exhibited before. It was never his favorite trip but he was whimpering and clinging to me like never before. He usually liked to look out the window. This behavior continued in the waiting room until he literally had to be dragged in. Why didn't I stop this process and take him home? College could wait a few months.
I went off to college and received the call from my mom that he had to be put to sleep, hopefully at the loving hands of Dr. Guibor, three weeks later. He was so much wiser than I and knew we would never see each other again. I was just to blind to see it. I just wish I had taken him home and spent those last weeks together and be with him at the end. I loved him so much and still do. He was my brother and oldest friend. They know things we do not. If only they could convey them to us.
Thank You Riser Animal Hospital for giving us all the time we had together. This was all in the fall of 1971 and I think of it to this day.