I had two years of unfortunate dealings with Amy Miles Hassinger when I lived in Apex n.c. several years ago. I trusted her with some horse investments and actually paid to have her train and care for the horses in her care. She promised to sell or lease them but it literally took years. She actually signed a contract and borrowed money from me to purchase a trailer because she told me unless she had this trailer, she would never be able to sell my horses and to this day has never given me any money back for it. She not only charged me thousands per month to care and train and pretend to show my horses, I found out (and have the written proof) that she was leasing in house and excepting money for my ponies/horses and not only charging me at the same time, she was keeping the money. I would stay away from her, her farm, her training and her Sports Medicine Facility. I am telling you that she is not honest and will not honestly represent you. She also purchased investment ponies for me that she said I must have and that she would flip them for me to help out with all the farm cost I was paying and ended up medicating them when she was trying to sell them. I ended up donating the poor things because they were so messed up. She took advantage of me and my family because we were new to investing and took many thousands from us without batting an eye. She took many of animals to an auction and never sold one for us. You spend thousand getting them there and brought them all home saying no to all offers. Please do not trust her with your horses and make sure you handle all the money and contracts and deal directly with the buyers. Dr Hassinger is well aware of what went on because we pleaded with him on many occasions he ignored us. Please do not do business with these people.